10196. Before the propitiatory that is over the Testimony. That this signifies where there is the hearing and reception by the Lord, of all things of worship from the good of love, is evident from the signification of "the propitiatory," as being the hearing and reception by the Lord of all things of worship from the good of love (see n. 9506); and from the signification of "the Testimony," as being the Lord in respect to the Word (n. 8535, 9503), thus in respect to the Divine truth, for the Lord in respect to Divine truth is the Word (n. 9987).
[2] A few words may here be said about Divine good and Divine truth. The Lord as to the Divine Itself which is called "the Father," and as to the Divine Human which is called "the Son," is the Divine love itself, thus Divine good itself; but the Lord as heaven, which is beneath the Lord as a Sun, is the Divine truth; yet this Divine truth has within it the Divine good accommodated to the reception of angels and spirits. This Divine is what is called "the Spirit of Jehovah" and "the Holy." The reason why this is called Divine truth, and not Divine good, is that angels and spirits are created, and from this are receptions of the Divine truth that proceeds from the Divine good. They, like men, enjoy two faculties, namely, understanding and will, and the understanding has been formed to receive Divine truth, and the will to receive Divine good. The understanding serves them for reception, and also for perception.
[3] An idea of this subject can be obtained by the simple from a comparison with the sun of the world, and with the world that comes forth from it. In the sun of the world there is fire, but that which proceeds from it is heat and light. Everyone is able to know that the light is not in the sun itself, but that the light proceeds from it. And insofar as the light proceeding from the sun has heat in it, plants live and grow, and bring forth fruits and seeds. These things are said by comparison, because universal nature is a theater representative of the Lord's kingdom; and it is such a representative theater because the natural world came forth through the spiritual world from the Divine, and perpetually comes forth, that is, subsists; hence it is that in the Word by the "sun" is meant the Lord as to Divine love, in like manner by "fire;" and that by "light" is meant the Lord as to Divine truth (as in John 1:9; 3:19; 9:5; 12:46).