10258. And cassia. That this signifies a more interior truth from good, is evident from the signification of "cassia," as being the interior truth of the internal man. That "cassia" has this signification is plain from what has been said and shown above; for heavenly things follow in this order, from the outermost to the inmost, and therefore it is inmost truth which is signified by "cassia," for it is the fourth in order. That "cassia" denotes truth from good is because inmost truth proceeds immediately from good, and in lower things acts in conjunction with good. This takes place when the understanding acts wholly as a one with the will, so that it is not known whether the act is from the one or from the other. Moreover the more interior heavenly things are, the more perfect they are, for all perfection increases toward the interiors, and all perfection is from good, that is, through good from the Lord.
[2] "Cassia" is mentioned among those things which signify things celestial in Ezekiel:
Dan and Javan furnished yarn in thy trading; bright iron, cassia, and calamus were in thy trading (Ezek. 27:19).
The subject here treated of is Tyre, by which are signified the knowledges of truth and good in the church (see n. 1201); and by "Dan and Javan" are signified those who are in the knowledges of celestial things; "bright iron" denotes ultimate celestial truth; and "cassia," inmost truth.
[3] Cassia of this kind is not mentioned in other passages in the Word, but in David is mentioned "kesia," which also is a species of cassia:
God, thy God, hath anointed thee, all thy garments with the oil of gladness, with myrrh, aloes, and kesia (Ps. 45:8, 9).
The subject treated of in this whole Psalm is the Lord, and indeed the glorification of His Human, He who is not acquainted with the internal sense of the Word cannot possibly know what is signified by "anointing all garments with myrrh, aloes, and kesia," where the Lord is the subject treated of.
[4] That garments are not meant, is plain, nor myrrh, aloes, and kesia with which they were anointed; but Divine truths from Divine good, which the Lord put on in respect to His Human. For anointing was nothing else than a representative of the Divine good in the Lord's Divine Human; hence by "myrrh, aloes, and kesia" are signified Divine truths in their order proceeding from the Divine good which was in Him. Hence by "garments" is signified His Divine Human; for whether you say "the Divine Human of the Lord," or "the Divine truth," it is the same, because when the Lord was in the world He was the Divine truth itself; and when He went out of the world, He made Himself the Divine good, from which is the Divine truth (see the numbers cited in n. 9199, 9315). Moreover, in the Word, that is called a "garment" which clothes something else, whatever it may be. The like is signified by the Lord's "garments" in Isaiah 63:2, 3, and also in other places. (That "garments" signify the truths which clothe good, see n. 2576, 4545, 4763, 5248, 5319, 5954, 9093, 9212, 9216, 9952.) From this it is now evident that by "kesia," which is a species of cassia, is signified the Divine truth which proceeds immediately from the Divine good, which truth is inmost truth.