1866. From the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates. That this signifies the extension of spiritual and celestial things-to "the river of Egypt" being the extension of spiritual things, and "to the river Euphrates" being the extension of celestial things-is evident from the signification of "the river of Egypt," and from the signification of "the great river," or "the Euphrates." That these "rivers" signify the extension of spiritual and celestial things, may be seen from the signification of the land of Canaan, as being the Lord's kingdom in the heavens and on the earth, in which there is nothing but the spiritual things which are of faith and the celestial things which are of mutual love; and therefore nothing but the extension of these can be meant by the boundaries of the land of Canaan. For what the land of Canaan is, what the river of Egypt is, and what the great river Euphrates is, and indeed what the boundaries of any land are, they who are in the heavens do not know at all; but they well know what the extension of spiritual and celestial things is, and also the determinations and the limitations of the states of these things. These things they have in mind while the others are being read by man; and so the letter vanishes and together with it that historical sense which has served as an objective form for the heavenly ideas.
[2] That "the river of Egypt" signifies the extension of spiritual things, is because "Egypt" signifies memory-knowledges [scientifica], which, together with a man's rational and intellectual things, constitute spiritual things (as before said, n. 1443 and in other places; and that "Egypt" in the internal sense signifies memory-knowledges may be seen n. 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462). That "the river Euphrates" signifies the extension of celestial things, may be seen from a consideration of the lands which that river bounds and separates from the land of Canaan, and by which likewise in many passages are signified the knowledges [scientifica et cognitiones] of celestial things but here, because it is called "the river" and "the great river," celestial things and the knowledges [cognitiones] of them are what alone are signified; for a "great river" and "greatness" are predicated of these.