3058. That to "draw waters" signifies instruction, and likewise enlightenment from it (as in what follows in this chapter), comes from the fact that in the internal sense "waters" signify the truths of faith (see n. 2702); and therefore to "draw waters" is nothing else than to be instructed in the truths of faith, and thereby to be enlightened; as also in other passages of the Word. In Isaiah:
With joy shall ye draw waters out of the fountains of salvation. In that day shall ye confess unto Jehovah (Isa. 12:3-4).
To "draw waters" is to be instructed, to understand, and to be wise. Again:
Bring ye waters to meet him that is thirsty, ye inhabitants of the land of Tema (Isa. 21:14).
To "bring waters to meet him that is thirsty" means to instruct. Again:
The afflicted and the needy seek waters, and there are none, and their tongue faileth for thirst (Isa. 41:17).
"They that seek waters," are they who desire to be instructed in truths. That "there are none," signifies that no one has truths. Moreover by the "drawers of water" were represented in the Jewish Church those who continually desire to know truths, but for no other end than to know them, while caring nothing for the use. Such were accounted among the lowest, and were represented by the Gibeonites (concerning whom see Joshua 9:21, 23, 27).