3720. This is none other than the house of God. That this signifies the Lord's kingdom in the ultimate of order, is evident from the signification of the "house of God." Mention is made of the "house of God" in many passages of the Word, and in the external sense, or according to the letter, it signifies a consecrated building where there is holy worship; but in the internal sense it signifies the church; and in a more universal sense, heaven; and in the most universal sense, the Lord's universal kingdom; in the supreme sense, however, it signifies the Lord Himself as to the Divine Human. In the Word we sometimes read of the "house of God," sometimes of the "temple," both having the same signification, but with this difference-that the "house of God" is mentioned where good is treated of; but the "temple" where truth is treated of. From this it is manifest that by the "house of God" is signified the Lord's celestial church, and in a more universal sense the heaven of the celestial angels, and in the most universal sense the Lord's celestial kingdom, and in the supreme sense the Lord as to Divine good; and that by the "temple" is signified the Lord's spiritual church, and in a more universal sense the heaven of the spiritual angels, in the most universal sense the Lord's spiritual kingdom, and in the supreme sense the Lord as to Divine truth (see n. 2048). The reason why the "house of God" signifies the celestial which is of good, and the "temple" the spiritual which is of truth, is that in the Word a "house" signifies good (n. 710, 2233, 2234, 2559, 3128, 3652), and also because among the most ancient people the houses were constructed of wood, for the reason that "wood" signifies good (n. 643, 1110, 2784, 2812); whereas "temple" signifies truth, because the temples were constructed of stones; and that "stones" signify truths, may be seen above (n. 643, 1296, 1298).
[2] That "wood" and "stone" have such a signification, is not only evident from the Word where they are mentioned, but also from the representatives in the other life; for they who place merit in good works, appear to themselves to cut wood; and they who place merit in truths, in that they have believed themselves to have been better acquainted with truth than others, and yet have lived evilly, appear to themselves to cut stones; which things have often been seen by me. From this I was assured what is the signification of wood and stone, namely that "wood" signifies good, and "stone" truth; and also from the experience that when a wooden house was seen, there was instantly presented an idea of good; but when a house of stone was seen, there was presented an idea of truth; concerning which I was instructed by angels. For this reason, when mention is made in the Word of the "house of God," there is presented to the angels the idea of good, and good of such a quality as is treated of in that connection; and when mention is made of a "temple," there is presented to them the idea of truth, and truth of such a quality as is treated of in that connection. From this again we can infer how deep and utterly hidden are the heavenly arcana in the Word.
[3] The reason why by the "house of God" is here signified the Lord's kingdom in the ultimate of order, is that Jacob is treated of, by whom is represented the Lord's Divine natural, as frequently shown above. The natural is in the ultimate of order, for in this all the interior things are terminated and are together; and because they are together, and thus things innumerable are viewed together as a one, there is relative obscurity there. This relative obscurity has been spoken of several times before.