4005. And he removed that day the he-goats that were party-colored and spotted. That this signifies that those truths of good were separated that were scattered over and mingled with the evils and falsities that were proper to the good signified by "Laban," is evident from the signification of "removing," as being to separate; and from the signification of "he-goats," as being the truths of good (concerning which below); and from the signification of "party-colored," as being things scattered over and mingled with evils (concerning which also in what follows); and from the signification of "spotted," as being things that are scattered over and mingled with falsities (concerning which above). "He-goats" are here mentioned, and then "she-goats," for the reason that "he-goats" [capri] signify the truths of good; and "she-goats," the goods of truth; the difference between which is described above (n. 3995).
[2] An accurate distinction is made in the Word between the males and the females, as is evident from the sacrifices and burnt-offerings, in relation to which a specific command was given as to what should be offered, whether a he-lamb or a she-lamb, whether a she-goat or a he-goat, whether a sheep or a ram, and so on; from all which it may be seen that one thing was signified by the male, and another by the female. By the "male" in general is signified truth; and by the "female" good. Here therefore by the "he-goats" are signified the truths of good; and by the "she-goats" presently mentioned, the goods that are adjoined to them. And as the difference between these is of such a nature, it is also said that he removed the party-colored he-goats, but not the speckled ones, as is said of the she-goats; for "party-colored" signifies truth scattered over and mingled with evils; whereas "speckled" signifies good scattered over and mingled with evils (see n. 3993). Truth mingled with evils is properly of the understanding, but good mingled with evils is properly of the will. This is the difference. That all these are from the good signified by "Laban" is evident, because they were from Laban's flock; for by a "flock" in the Word is signified good and truth, or what is the same, those who are in good and truth, and who are therefore of the Lord's church.
[3] This arcanum cannot be explained further, because it cannot become plain except to an apprehension instructed in truths and goods, and at the same time enlightened. For it must be known what the truths of good are, and what the goods that are from them; and also that from the one good here represented by Laban so many various things can be separated. They who have no knowledge of these subjects do not know that in every good there are innumerable things, so many in fact that they can scarcely be classified into general kinds by the most learned man. For there are goods that are procured by means of truths; there are truths born from these goods; and again goods procured by means of these truths. There are also truths born of goods, and this also in a series; there are goods that are mingled with evils; and truths that are mingled with falsities, as described above (n. 3993); and the minglings and temperings of these are so various and manifold as to exceed myriads of myriads; and they are also varied according to all the states of life; and the states of life are varied in general in accordance with the man's age, and specifically in accordance with his affections of all kinds. From this it may in some measure be apprehended that from the good of Laban there could be separated so many various things; of which some were adjoined to the truths signified by the sons of Jacob; some were left behind; and from these others were derived. But as before said these things are of such a nature as not to fall into the understanding unless it is instructed and at the same time enlightened.