(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 4175

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4175. Thus I was; in the day the heat consumed me, and the cold in the night, and my sleep has been chased from mine eyes. That this signifies temptations, is evident from the signification of "heat" and "cold," as being that which is of too much love, and that which is not at all of it, thus the two extremes; "day" signifies a state of faith or truth when it is at its height; and "night" a state of no faith or truth (see n. 221, 935, 936); and from the signification of "sleep driven from the eyes," as being continually or without rest. Inasmuch as these are such things as are experienced in temptations, therefore by these words are signified temptations in general. The reason why "heat" signifies too much love, is that spiritual fire and heat are love; and on the other hand, spiritual cold is no love. For man's very life is nothing but love; for without love man has no life whatever; nay, if he will reflect he can know that all the vital fire and heat in his body are from this source. Yet "cold" does not signify the privation of all love, but the privation of spiritual and heavenly love, and the privation of this is what is called spiritual death. When man is deprived of this love, he is kindled with the love of self and of the world. This love is relatively cold, and also becomes cold, not only with man when living in the body, but also when he comes into the other life. If when living in the body the love of self and of the world is taken away from him, he becomes so cold as to have scarcely any life; and it would be the same if he were compelled to think in a holy manner of heavenly and Divine things. In the other life, when such a man comes among the infernals, he is in the fire or heat of cupidities; but if he approaches heaven, this fire and heat are turned into cold, the more intense the nearer he approaches, with an increase of torment in like degree. This cold is what is meant by the "gnashing of teeth" which is ascribed to those who are in hell (Matt. 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luke 13:28).


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