(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 4502

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4502. And took Dinah out of Shechem's house, and went forth. That this signifies that they took away the affection of truth, is evident from the representation of Dinah, as being the affection of truth (see above, n. 4498). It is according to the proximate internal sense that they took away the affection of truth from those who were of the remains of the Most Ancient Church, because it is said that they "took her out of Shechem's house," "Shechem's house" signifying the good of the truth of that church. But as the subject treated of is the extirpation of truth and good among the descendants of Jacob who are here signified by his sons, and as all things are to be taken in application to the subject treated of, therefore by "Shechem's house" is here signified simply the good of truth such as had existed with the man of the Most Ancient Church; and what is signified is that this was extinguished in the nation sprung from Jacob; for in the internal sense of the Word the signification of the names and words is determined by the subject to which they are applied; yet here there is at the same time signified the breaking down of the good and truth with Hamor and Shechem and his family, because they acceded to externals, as shown above (n. 4493).
[2] That what has thus far been unfolded about Simeon and Levi is really so, may be seen from the prophetic utterances of Jacob just before his death:
Simeon and Levi are brethren, instruments of violence are their swords; let not my soul come into their secret, in their congregation let not my glory be united, for in their anger they slew a man, and in their pleasure they unstrung an ox; cursed be their anger, for it was vehement, and their fury, for it was grievous; I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel (Gen. 49:5-7);
by "Simeon and Levi" are signified the truth of faith which with the descendants of Jacob was turned into falsity, and the good of charity which was turned into evil (as shown above, n. 4499, 4500). They are called "brethren" because good is the brother of truth, or charity is the brother of faith (n. 4498). "Instruments of violence are their swords" signifies that falsities and evils inflicted violence on truths and goods (n. 4499). "Let not my soul come into their secret, in their congregation let not my glory be united" signifies disjunction as to life and doctrine, for in the Word "soul" is predicated of life (n. 1000, 1040, 1742, 3299), and "glory" of doctrine. "For in their anger they slew a man, and in their pleasure they unstrung an ox" signifies that in evil of set purpose they extinguished the truth of the church and the good of the church (for a "man" is the truth of the church, n. 3134, and an "ox" is its good, n. 2180, 2566, 2781). "Cursed be their anger, for it was vehement, and their fury, for it was grievous" signifies the penalty for turning away from truth and good (for "to curse" is to turn one's self away, and also to be punished therefor, n. 245, 379, 1423, 3530, 3584; "anger" is a turning away from truth, and "fury," from good, n. 357, 3614). "I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel" signifies that goods and truths will no longer be in the external and the internal of their church ("to divide" and "to scatter" denote to separate and to extirpate from them, n. 4424; "Jacob" is the external of the church, and "Israel" the internal, n. 4286).
[3] These things were said of Simeon and Levi in that prophecy because by them is signified the truth and good of the church in general; but when these have become null and void, and still more when falsities and evils succeed in their place, the church is then extinct. That such is the meaning of these prophetic words is evident from the fact that the tribe of Simeon and the tribe of Levi were not cursed above the other tribes; for the tribe of Levi was taken for the priesthood, and the tribe of Simeon was among the other tribes of Israel as one of them.


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