(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 4688

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4688. And behold your sheaves came round about. That this signifies those who were in faith, namely, in the faith of some charity, is evident from the signification of "coming round about," as here being an approaching to adore, for it follows that "they bowed down themselves to his sheaf," by which is signified adoration; and from the signification of a "sheaf," as being doctrine (of which just above, n. 4686), here all things of doctrine, or all things of faith. That "sheaves" here have such a signification is because in the genuine sense all things of faith are represented by all the sons of Jacob (n. 3858, 3926), thus also by the sheaves, because these in the dream took the place of the sons of Jacob; and also because the scene lay in the midst of the field, and by the midst of the field is signified what is interior, or those who are interior in the church (of which above, n. 4686), thus those who are in the faith of some charity. These therefore are the "sheaves which came round about, and bowed down themselves to the sheaf of Joseph." That those are not meant who are exterior or more remote from the midst, and who in the proper sense are here the "brethren" of Joseph, is plain from what precedes and what follows-that they hated him more and more, that is, despised him and felt aversion; for "hating," "not speaking for peace," and "envying," which are said of his brethren, signify contempt and aversion.


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