(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 6275

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6275. And he blessed Joseph. That this signifies a prediction with respect to the truth of the intellectual and the good of the will having life from the internal, is evident from the signification of "blessing," as being prediction (see n. 6230, 6254); and from the representation of Ephraim and Manasseh, who here are "Joseph," as being the truth of the intellectual and the good of the will in the natural, born from the internal (n. 6234, 6249). That by "Joseph" are meant his sons, is evident from the blessing itself, in which it is said, "The Angel who redeemeth me from all evil, bless the boys, and let my name be called in them;" and the reason is that this good and truth in the natural, represented by Manasseh and Ephraim, are the very internal there. The internal and the external are indeed distinct from each other; but in the natural, where they are together, the internal is as in its own adapted form, which form does nothing from itself, but only from the internal within it; thus it is merely acted upon. The case herein is like the efficient in the effect: the efficient and the effect are distinct from each other, yet the efficient is in the effect as in its own adapted form, and through it acts as cause in the sphere where the effect is produced. In man the like is the case with the good and truth in the natural, born from the internal; for the internal clothes itself with such things as belong to the natural, in order that it may be there and lead a life there; but the things with which it clothes itself are nothing but coverings, which of themselves do nothing at all.


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