(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 6401

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6401. And his rider shall fall backward. That this signifies that hence comes a receding, is evident from the signification of "falling backward," as being to recede, namely, from truth; and from the signification of "rider," as being one who is in fallacies from lowest nature. (That these fallacies are signified by "horse" may be seen above, n. 6400; and therefore by "rider" are signified they who are in fallacies. How the case herein is, has just been shown.) As by "Dan" are signified those within the church who are such as were described above (n. 6400), and who thus are among the last in the Lord's kingdom, therefore by "Dan" are also signified those who from fallacies hatch falsities and spread them about. Their falsities are also called "horses," and their reasonings about truth and good, "serpents," in Jeremiah:
The snorting of his horses was heard from Dan; at the voice of the neighing of his strong ones the whole land trembled; and they are come and have devoured the land and the fullness thereof, the city and those that dwell therein. For behold I send among you serpents, vipers, which will not be charmed; and they shall bite you (Jer. 8:16-17).


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