6720. And she saw him, that he was good. That this signifies a noticing that it was through heaven, is evident from the signification of "to see," as being a noticing (see n. 2150, 3764, 4567, 4723, 5400); and from the signification of "good," here denoting through heaven, because it is said of the law Divine in the Lord. But that "good" here signifies through heaven, is a secret that cannot be known unless it is disclosed. When the Lord made His Human Divine, He did this from the Divine, by means of a transflux through heaven-not that heaven contributed anything from itself, but that in order that the Divine Itself might flow into the human, it flowed in through heaven. This transflux was the Divine Human before the advent of the Lord, and was Jehovah Himself in the heavens or the Lord. The Divine which flowed through heaven was the Divine truth, or the Divine law, which Moses represented; and the Divine which flows through heaven, is good. Hence it is evident whence it is, that by "she saw him," namely the son, "that he was good," is signified a noticing that it was through heaven.