(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 6978

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6978. They shall become blood in the dry [land]. That this signifies the falsification of all truth, and the consequent privation of it in the natural, is evident from the signification of "blood," as being holy truth proceeding from the Lord, and in the opposite sense truth falsified and profaned (see n. 4735, how the case herein is was shown just above); and from the signification of "the dry [land]," as being the natural (of which also just above, n. 6976). That "blood" signifies the falsification of truth and its profanation, is especially evident in Nahum:
Woe to the city of bloods! It is all full of lying and rapine; the prey departeth not. The voice of a whip, and the voice of the sound of a wheel; and a neighing horse, and a jumping chariot; the horseman mounting, and the shining of a sword, and the flash of a spear; and a multitude of pierced, and a heap of carcass and no end of body; they stumble on their body. Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the well-favored harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts (Nah. 3:1-4);
that by the "city of bloods" is signified the doctrine of falsity, thus by "blood," falsified and profaned truth is plain from all the words of its description in the internal sense, and not only in these verses which have been cited, but also in those which follow, the description of it being continued in the whole chapter; for the "city" is doctrine; its being "all full of lying and rapine" denotes being full of falsity, and of evil from falsity; "the voice of a whip and the voice of the sound of a wheel" denotes the defence of falsity by fallacies; "a neighing horse and a jumping chariot" denotes from a perverted intellectual and the like doctrine; "the horseman mounting, the shining of a sword, the flashing of a spear" denotes combat against truth; "the multitude of pierced" denotes innumerable falsities thence, and those who are in falsities; "a heap of carcass, and no end of body" denotes innumerable evils thence, and those who are in evils; "the whoredoms of a harlot" denote the falsifications themselves, and in like manner "witchcrafts."


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