7004. And shalt put the words in his mouth. That this signifies that what he utters will proceed from the Divine Human, is evident from the representation of Moses, who was to put words in Aaron's mouth, as being the Lord as to the Divine truth which proceeds from His Divine Human (of which above); and from the signification of "mouth," as being voice and utterance (see n. 6987). Thus "to put in the mouth" denotes to give to utter; but when said of the Lord, it denotes to proceed, because the Word which is uttered by a spirit or angel, proceeds from the Lord's Divine Human. Aaron, moreover, represents the doctrine of good and truth, which is uttered. The case herein is this.
[2] From the Lord proceeds Divine truth immediately and mediately; that which proceeds immediately is above all the understanding of angels; but that which proceeds mediately is adapted to the angels in the heavens and also to men, for it passes through heaven and thereby puts on the angelic and the human quality; but into this truth also the Lord flows immediately, and thus leads angels and men both mediately and immediately (n. 6058). For each and all things are from the First being, and the order has been so instituted that the First being may be present in the derivatives both mediately and immediately, thus alike in the ultimate of order and in its first; for the Divine truth itself is the one only substantial, the derivatives being nothing but successive forms thence derived. From this also it is plain that the Divine flows immediately also into each and all things, because all things have been created from the Divine truth, the Divine truth being the one only essential (n. 6880), thus that from which all things are. The Divine truth is what is called "the Word" in John:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word; all things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made (John 1:1-2).
By such influx the Lord leads man not only by providence in the universal, but also in every singular, nay, in the veriest singulars of all. For these reasons it is said that the things which are uttered proceed from the Divine Human.
[3] That there is an immediate influx of the Lord where there is also a mediate, thus in the last of order equally as in the first of order, has been told me from heaven, and a living perception of it has been given; also that what is effected by mediate influx, that is, through heaven and the angels there, is relatively very little; and further, that the Lord leads heaven by means of immediate influx, and at the same time by means of it keeps all things there in their connection and order.