(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 7364

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7364. Those in their societies who begin to think wrongly, and thence to will wrongly, are separated, and left to themselves alone, whence they lead a most wretched life out of all society, in rocks or other places, for they are no longer cared for by the rest. Certain societies endeavor to drive such persons to repentance by various methods; but when this fails, they separate themselves from them. In this way they take care lest the lust of dominion and of gain should creep in, that is, lest any from the lust of dominion should subject to themselves the society in which they are, and then others; and lest any from the lust of gain should despoil others of their goods. Everyone on that earth lives content with his goods, and everyone content with his honor in being called just and a lover of his neighbor. This delight and tranquillity of mind would perish, unless those who think and will evilly were cast out, and unless they prudently and severely met the first beginnings of the love of self and the love of the world with those into whom they enter; for it was these loves which out of societies made empires and kingdoms, within which there are few who do not desire to domineer, and to possess all the property of others; there being few who do what is just and equitable from justice and equity, and still fewer who do what is good from charity, and what is true from faith, and not rather from fear of the law, of injury, of life, or of the loss of gain, honor, and reputation on account of these.


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