7474. And he did not let the people go. That this signifies that they would not leave those who were of the spiritual church is evident from the signification of "letting go," as being to leave; and from the representation of the sons of Israel, here "the people," as being those who are of the spiritual church (see n. 6426, 6637, 6862, 6868, 7035, 7062, 7198, 7201, 7215, 7223).
[2] As regards the spiritual church, which is here represented by the sons of Israel, be it known that it is internal and external; and that those are in the internal church who are in the good of charity, and that those are in the external church who are in the good of faith. Those are in the good of charity who from charity toward the neighbor see the truths which are of faith; but those are in the good of faith who from faith look to charity, thus who do what is good, not from the affection of charity, but from the obedience of faith, that is, because it has been so commanded. It is these who are here properly represented by the sons of Israel, for these are they who in the other life are infested by those who are in falsities. Those who are in the affection of charity cannot be so infested, for the spirits who are in falsities and evils cannot approach those who are in this good, because the Lord is in this good. If these are infested, it is merely in respect to the fallacies and appearances through which they have believed what is not true to be true, and also in respect to such things as the doctrine of their church has taught for truths, which yet are not truths. Such in the other life willingly reject falsities and receive truths, because the good of charity is recipient of truth, for it loves and desires it.
[3] As infestations have been so often mentioned, it is to be told what they are, and what is their nature. Infestations are effected by means of injections of falsity against truths, and these falsities are refuted in those who are being infested, by means of an influx from heaven, that is, through heaven from the Lord. In such a state are those held who are in vastation in respect to falsities, until they are imbued with the truths which are of faith, and by degrees with interior truths; and insofar as they are imbued with these truths, so far they are liberated from infestation. Infestations are not temptations, for temptations take place with anguish of conscience, those who are in temptations being kept in a state of condemnation, and hence of anguish and grief.
[4] From all this it is evident what is the nature of the vastations in the other life in which are those who are in the good of faith. These vastations are vastations of falsity. But vastations with those who have not been in the good of faith, but in some truth of faith in the memory, while in a life of evil, are vastations of truth. Those who are vastated in respect to falsities, become successively imbued with the truths and goods of faith and charity; but those who are vastated in respect to truths, successively put off truths, and put on the evils which have been of their life. From all this it can be seen what is meant in the Word by "vastations" and "desolations."