(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 7878

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7878. And I will pass over you. That this signifies that it will flee from thence, namely, the damnation which is from the hells will do so, is evident from the signification of "passing over," when this is said of damnation, as being to flee from thence. Moreover, the sphere of damnation which flows forth from the hells, flees past those who are in truth and good from the Lord; for damnation flows in with those who are in evil and falsity, because there is a state of reception there; but not with those who are in truth and good, for these are opposites, one of which flees from the other.
All things which have been thus far ordained with respect to the paschal lamb, with respect to the roasting and eating of it, also with respect to the blood upon the posts and lintel, bear relation to these; namely, that the destroyer will pass by their houses; in the internal sense, that they shall be free from all damnation. For the sake of this end, namely, that damnation should flee from them, they had been prepared. The process of preparation is what in the internal sense is described by the statutes concerning the paschal lamb.


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