(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 8351

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8351. And the people murmured against Moses. That this signifies grief from the bitterness of the temptation, is evident from the signification of "murmuring," as being complaint such as there is in temptations, thus grief from the bitterness of the temptation. The temptations which those underwent who were of the Lord's spiritual church after they had been liberated from infestations; and also the temptations which those will undergo who will be of this church, are described by the murmurings of the sons of Israel in the wilderness. And as spiritual temptations are usually carried to despair (n. 1787, 2694, 5279, 5280, 7147, 7166, 8165), therefore by "murmuring" is signified complaint from grief in the temptations (see Exod. 16:2, 3; 27:3; Num. 14:27, 29, 36; 16:11). It is said "against Moses," because it was against the Divine, for by Moses is represented Divine truth (see n. 6723, 6752, 6771, 6827, 7010, 7014, 7089, 7382).
[2] As regards the temptations which those underwent who were of the spiritual church, and which those will undergo who will be of this church, be it known that faith cannot possibly be implanted in those who are of the spiritual church except through temptations, thus neither can charity; for in temptations the man is in combat against falsity and evil. These-falsity and evil-flow into the external man from the hells, while good and truth flow in through the internal man from the Lord; thus by virtue of the combat of the internal man with the external, which is called "temptation." And insofar, then, as the external man is reduced to obedience under the internal, so far faith and charity are implanted; for the external or natural of man is the receptacle of truth and good from the internal man. If the receptacle is not accommodated, it does not receive anything which flows in from within; but either rejects, or extinguishes, or stifles it, whence there is no regeneration. Hence it is that there must be temptation in order that the man may be regenerated, which is effected through the implanting of faith and charity, and thus through the formation of a new will and a new understanding. Therefore also the church of the Lord is called "militant" (see what has been said and shown before on this subject, n. 3928, 4249, 4341, 4572, 5356, 6574, 6611, 6657, 7090, 7122, 8159, 8168, 8179, 8273).


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