8595. And Moses said unto Joshua. That this signifies Divine influx into fighting truth, is evident from the signification of "saying," as here being influx, because into truth combating, which is represented by Joshua; that it is Divine influx, is because by Moses is represented Divine truth, that is, the truth which proceeds immediately from the Lord, which truth, being purely Divine, flows into the truths of faith of whatever kind, and causes them to be truths; and from the representation of Joshua, as being fighting truth. That Joshua denotes fighting truth is evident from the fact that he was commanded to fight against Amalek, that is, against the falsities from interior evil. This war must be waged by truth made fighting through the influx of Divine truth. The truth Divine itself which proceeds immediately from the Lord, is not fighting, but pacific; for it is peace itself, because it proceeds from the Divine good of the Lord's Divine love. But in order that it may become fighting truth, it flows into such angels as are in ardent zeal for truth and good, and who being excited by this zeal fight. Hence comes the fighting truth which is represented by Joshua.
[2] As this truth was represented by Joshua, therefore he was also made the leader over the sons of Israel after Moses, and brought them into the land of Canaan, and fought with the nations there. For this reason also, when he came into the land of Canaan, there appeared to him an angel of Jehovah with a sword drawn in his hand, who called himself "the Prince of Jehovah's army" (Josh. 5:13-15). By "a sword drawn in the hand" is signified fighting truth Divine in its power. (That "a sword" denotes truth fighting, see n. 2799, 4499; also that "a drawn sword" denotes truth continually fighting against falsities and evils, see n. 8294; and that "hand" denotes power, n. 878, 4931-4937, 7518, 8050, 8153; and also that by "the nations in the land of Canaan" are signified falsities and evils against which the fight is to be waged, n. 8504.)