8615. Until the setting of the sun. That this signifies when this state ceased, namely, the state of combat with falsity from interior evil, is evident from the fact that the times of the day, from the rising of the sun to its setting, and again to its rising, signify the changes of state which those undergo who are in the other life. The end of this state is signified by the time of the sun's setting, and hence by "until the setting of the sun," is signified when this state ceased. (That the times of the day from the rising of the sun to its setting signify states and their changes, see n. 5672, 5962, 6110, 8426.)
[2] Every person who reflects can see that the things which are related in these verses contain arcana which do not appear in the letter-as that Moses stood on a hill, and had a rod in his hand; that Joshua conquered when Moses lifted up his hands, and Amalek conquered when Moses let down his hands; that they put a stone under him upon which he sat; and that Aaron and Hur held up his hands, and this until the setting of the sun. Unless all and every one of these things had corresponded to things that are in heaven, they could not have contributed anything to the battle with Amalek.
[3] Correspondences have all power, insomuch that what is done on earth according to correspondences avails in heaven, because correspondences are from the Divine. They who are in the good of love and of faith are in correspondence, and the Divine does all things that appertain to them, for from the Divine come the good of love and the good of faith. All the miracles recorded in the Word were done by means of correspondences. The Word has been so written that every particular therein, even to the most minute, corresponds to things that are in heaven. Consequently the Word has Divine power; and it conjoins heaven with earth, for when the Word is read on earth, the angels in heaven are moved unto the holiness that is in the internal sense. This is effected by means of the correspondences of all the several expressions in the Word.