(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 862

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862. And it came to pass at the end of forty days. That this signifies the duration of the former state, and the beginning of the following one, is evident from the signification of "forty" which was explained at n. 730; where, the subject being temptation, it is said "forty days and forty nights" signifying the duration of the temptation. But because the subject here is the state following temptation, it is said "forty days" but not forty nights. The reason is, that charity, which in the Word is compared to "day" and called "day" now begins to appear; and faith which precedes being not yet so conjoined with charity, is compared to "night" and called "night" (as in Gen. 1:16; and in other parts of the Word). In the Word faith is also called "night" from its receiving its light from charity, as the moon does from the sun; and hence faith is compared to the "moon" and called the "moon" and love or charity is compared to the "sun" and called the "sun." "Forty days" (or the duration which they signify) have respect both to what precedes and to what follows, wherefore it is said, "at the end of forty days;" thus they signify the duration of the former state and the beginning of that now treated of. Here then commences the description of the second state of the man of this church after temptation.


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