(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 8711

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8711. Men of truth, hating gain. That this signifies because the truths are pure without a worldly end, is evident from the signification of "men of truth," as being pure truths; that "men of truth" denote pure truths is because by "men" are signified truths (see n. 3134, 5502), and by "truth," faith (n. 3121), thus by "men of truth" are signified truths of faith, that is, pure truths; and from the signification of "hating gain," as being aversion to persuasions from falsity and evil, for by "hating" is signified aversion, and by "gain," the falsity and evil which persuade and draw away from truth and good. By "gain" in general is signified all the falsity from evil that perverts the judgments of the mind; and as this is the case with those who have the world as their end, therefore by "those who hate gain" are also signified those who are without a worldly end. That "gain" denotes all the falsity from evil which perverts the judgments of the mind and withdraws from truth and good, can be seen by everyone who reflects, and in this sense "gain" is frequently mentioned in the Word (as in Isa. 33:15; 56:11; 57:17; in Jer. 6:13; 8:10; 22:17; and in Ezek. 22:27; 33:31; in David also, Ps. 119:36).


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