(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 8847

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8847. A certain spirit from another earth was with me (he was from the earth Jupiter) who earnestly begged me to intercede for him, that he might come into heaven. He said that he was not aware of having done what is evil, except that he had rebuked the inhabitants of that earth; adding that after he had rebuked, he instructed them. He applied himself to my left side under the elbow, and talked with as it were a broken voice, and he could move one to pity. But I could only reply that I could give him no help, and that this is of the Lord alone; and that I could not intercede, because I did not know whether it would be useful or not, but that if worthy he might hope. He was then sent back among the upright spirits from his own earth; but these said that he could not be in their company, because he was not such as they. Yet because with intense longing he importuned to be let into heaven, he was sent into a society of upright spirits of this earth; but they also said that he could not be with them. In the light of heaven he was of a black color, but he himself said that he was not of a black, but of a murrhine color. I was told that they are such in the beginning who are afterward received among those who constitute the province of the seminal vesicles; for in these vesicles the semen is collected and clothed around with a suitable material, fitted for preserving it from being dissipated, and which can be put off in the neck of the womb, that so what has been preserved within may serve for conception, that is, for the impregnation of the ovum. Hence also there is in this seminal matter an endeavor, and as it were a burning desire, to put itself off and leave the semen to perform its use. Something similar showed itself in this spirit. He came again to me, but in mean clothing, and again said that he was burning to come into heaven, and that he now perceived that he was fit for it; but I was given to tell him that perhaps this was an indication that he would soon be received. He was then told by the angels to cast off his garment, and in his longing he cast it off so quickly that scarcely anything could be quicker. By this was represented the nature of the ardent desires of those who are in the province to which the seminal vesicles correspond.


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