9430. And the cloud covered it. That this signifies the ultimate of the Word which is thus relatively obscure, is evident from the signification of "the cloud," as being the ultimate of the Word, or its literal sense (see the preface to Genesis 18, and n. 4060, 4391, 5922, 6343, 6752, 8106, 8443, 8781). This sense is called a "cloud," because it is in obscurity relatively to the internal sense; for this is in the light of heaven. That it is in obscurity and like a cloud is because it is for man while he is in the world, whereas the internal sense is for man when he comes into heaven. But be it known that while a man is in the world, he is in the internal sense of the Word when he is in the genuine doctrine of the church as to faith and as to life; for through this doctrine the internal sense of the Word is then inscribed on both his understanding and his will; on his understanding through faith; and on his will through life. When such a man comes into heaven he apprehends the Word no otherwise than according to its internal sense; and knows nothing of its external sense, this then appearing to him like a cloud that absorbs the rays of its light.
[2] It is said that the man then apprehends the Word according to its internal sense, and not according to its external sense. That it is so is because all who are in heaven are instructed by the Lord from the truth Divine that is with man, thus from the Word. The reason is that man is in the ultimate of order, and that all interior things terminate in the ultimate, the ultimate being as it were a support for the interior things, on which they subsist and rest. The Word in the letter is Divine truth in the ultimate of order; in like manner the man of the church with whom is Divine truth, in respect to his natural and sensuous mind. In the one, as in the other, the interior things terminate and rest, like a house on its foundation. The house itself is heaven, and there Divine truth is such as is the Word in the internal sense; and the foundation is the world, and there Divine truth is such as is the Word in the external sense. As a house rests on its foundation, so also heaven rests on the church; and consequently the Divine truth in heaven upon the Divine truth in the earth; for there is a continuous connection from the Lord through heaven down to man by means of the Word. This is the reason why it is always provided by the Lord that there shall be a church on the earth, in which Divine truth may be in its ultimate. This is a secret as yet known to none, and which is meant by what was cited above (n. 9357, 9360). Let all therefore beware of injuring the Word in any way; for they who injure it, injure the Divine Itself.