9671. Of blue, and crimson, and scarlet double-dyed, and fine twined linen. That this signifies the goods of love and of faith conjoined there, is evident from the signification of "blue" [hyacinthinum] as being the celestial love of truth (see n. 9466); from the signification of "crimson," as being the celestial love of good (n. 9467); from the signification of "scarlet double-dyed," as being spiritual good (n. 4922, 9468); and from the signification of "fine twined linen," as being truth from a celestial origin (n. 9469). From this it is plain that by these four are signified the goods of love and of faith conjoined in the uniting medium. The case herein is this. Those in heaven who bear relation to the uniting medium represented by the veil, have the goods of love and the goods of faith conjoined together in themselves; for through the goods of love they are conjoined with the celestial who are in the inmost heaven, and through the goods of faith with the spiritual who are in the middle heaven; for the good of love to the Lord is called "celestial good;" and the good of faith in Him is called "spiritual good."
[2] Those in heaven who bear relation to the uniting medium are called "celestial spiritual" and "spiritual celestial;" the former are represented in the Word by Joseph, and the latter by Benjamin. (That in the representative sense "Joseph" denotes the celestial spiritual, see n. 4286, 4592, 4963, 5249, 5307, 5331, 5332, 5417, 5869, 5877, 6224, 6526; and that "Benjamin" denotes the spiritual celestial, n. 3969, 4592; and thus that "Joseph" denotes the internal uniting medium, and "Benjamin" the external uniting medium, n. 4585, 4592, 4594, 5411, 5413, 5443, 5639, 5686, 5688, 5689, 5822. What the celestial spiritual is, and what the spiritual celestial, see n. 1577, 1824, 2184, 4585, 4592, 4594.)
[3] From the opposites also, which are in the hells, it is known of what nature is the distinction between the celestial and the spiritual in the heavens. Those in the hells who are opposite to the celestial are called "genii;" and those in the hells who are opposite to the spiritual are called "spirits." The genii, who are opposite to the celestial, are at the back; but the spirits, who are opposite to the spiritual, are in front; and the intermediate ones are at the sides. The genii, being opposite to the celestial, are in more interior evil than the spirits. (Concerning both of these from experience, see n. 5977, 8593, 8622, 8625.) The hell of the genii is quite separate from that of the spirits, insomuch that they who are in the one cannot pass into the other; for there are intermediate ones there who conjoin them, who are opposite to the intermediate ones in the heavens.