9832. And they shall take the gold. That this signifies good reigning universally, is evident from the signification of "gold," as being the good of love (see n. 113, 1551, 1552, 5658, 6914, 6917, 9490, 9510); that this reigns universally, is signified by the gold being interwoven everywhere in the ephod, as is evident from what follows in this book:
They spread out plates of gold, and he cut them into threads, to work them in the midst of the blue, and in the midst of the crimson, and in the midst of the scarlet double-dyed, and in the midst of the fine twined linen (Exod. 39:3).
That which reigns universally is that which rules, thus is in each and all things (n. 5949, 6159, 7648, 8067, 8853-8858, 8865). The reason why gold was interwoven everywhere, was that by the garments of Aaron was represented the spiritual heaven (n. 9814), and good reigns in this heaven, as it does in the other heavens also. In the inmost heaven reigns the good of love to the Lord; in the middle heaven, the good of charity toward the neighbor; and in the ultimate heaven, the good of faith. But the truth which is of faith leads men in unto good, and afterward is produced from good. From this it is evident that a man is not in heaven until he is in good. If he is only in the truths which are called matters of faith, he merely stands before the door; and if from these truths he looks to good, he enters into the vestibule; but if from these truths he does not look to good, he does not see heaven, not even from afar. It is said that a man is not in heaven until he is in good, because while a man is in the world he ought to have heaven in himself, in order that he may enter into it after death. For heaven is in man, and is in mercy given to those who, while they live in the world, suffer themselves to be brought through the truths of faith into charity toward the neighbor and into love to the Lord; that is, into good. (That a man is not in heaven until he is in the state of being led by the Lord by means of good, see n. 8516, 8539, 8722, 8772, 9139.) By "good" is meant the good of life, and the good of life is to do what is good from willing it, and to will good is from love; for that which a man loves he wills.