269. A Lamb standing as if slain, signifies the Lord as to His Human, not acknowledged in the church as Divine. By "Lamb," in Revelation, is meant the Lord as to the Divine Human, and by "a Lamb slain," that His Human is not acknowledged in the church as Divine; in like manner as in chapter 1:18, where it is said:
I was made dead, and behold I am alive for ages of ages (Rev. 1:18).
By which is meant that the Lord is neglected in the church, and His Human not acknowledged as Divine (n. 59); that this is the case may be seen below (n. 294). Since, therefore, the Lord as to the Divine Human is meant by "the Lamb," and it is said of Him, that "He took the book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne," and afterwards that "He opened it, and loosed the seven seals thereof," and since no mortal could do this, but God alone, it follows, that by "the Lamb" is meant the Lord as to the Divine Human, and by "slain," that He is not acknowledged as God as to His Human.