275. The four animals and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, signifies humiliation, and from humiliation, adoration of the Lord from the higher heavens. Now follows the glorification of the Lord on the above account, for, as was observed above (n. 263), unless the Lord should now execute the Last Judgment, and thereby reduce all things in the heavens and in the earths to order, all would perish. The glorification of the Lord, which now follows, takes place first in the higher heavens, afterwards in the lower heavens, and lastly in the lowest heavens; the glorification by the higher heavens (verses 8-10); by the lower heavens (verses 11, 12); and by the lowest heavens (verse 13); and lastly confirmation and adoration by the higher heavens (verse 14). Therefore the higher heavens are signified by the "four animals" and "the twenty-four elders;" for by "the cherubim," which are the four animals "in the midst of the throne," is signified the Lord as to the Word; but by "the cherubim," or four animals "round about the throne," is signified heaven as to the Word; for it is said:
That in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were seen four animals, full of eyes before and behind (Rev. 4:6).
For the heavens are heavens from the reception of the Divine truth through the Word from the Lord. By "the twenty-four elders" are also signified the angels in the higher heavens, because those elders were nearest around the throne (4:4). That "to fall down before the Lamb" is humiliation, and from humiliation, adoration, is evident.