(AR) - The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now

AR 643

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643. Having upon His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle, signifies the Divine wisdom from His Divine love, and the Divine truth of the Word. That by "a crown upon the head" is signified wisdom, see above (n. 189, 252); and by "a golden crown," wisdom from love (n. 235); and because it was seen upon the head of the Son of man, or the Lord, by "a golden crown" is signified the Divine wisdom from His Divine love. The reason why "a sickle" signifies the Divine truth of the Word, is, because by "a harvest" is signified the state of the church as to the Divine truth, here its last state; and therefore by "reaping," which is done with a sickle, is here signified to put an end to the state of the church, and to execute judgment; and because these things are done by the Divine truth of the Word, therefore this is signified by "a sickle"; and by "a sharp sickle," the doing it exactly and exquisitely. By "a sickle" the like is signified as by "a sword," "a saber," and "a long sword"; but "a sickle" is named where a harvest is treated of, and "a sword," when war is treated of. That by "a sword," "a saber," and "a long sword" is signified the Divine truth fighting against falsities, and vice versa, see above (n. 52, 108, 117).


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