868. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works, signifies that all were judged according to their internal life in externals. By "the dead" are signified all who died from the earth, and were then in the world of spirits, as above (n. 866). "Out of those things which were written in the books," signifies out of the interiors of everyone's mind then laid open, as above (n. 867); "according to their works," signifies, according to the internal life of everyone in externals. That this is signified by "works" in the Word, may be seen above (n. 72, 76, 94, 141, 641); to which I will further add, that there are works of the mind and works of the body, both of them at once internal and external. The works of the mind are intentions and endeavors, and the works of the body are words and actions; each of these proceed from the internal life of man, which is of his will or love. Whatsoever does not close in works, either internal which relate to the mind, or external which relate to the body, are not in the life of man, for they inflow from the world of spirits but are not received, therefore they are like images that strike the eyes, or as odors that affect the nostrils, from which a man turns away his face. But more may be seen on this subject in the places cited above, where also some passages are adduced from the Word to prove that man is judged according to his works; to which may be added the following from Paul:
In the day of anger and revelation of the just judgment of God; who will render to everyone according to his deeds (Rom. 2:5, 6).
For we must all be manifested before the judgment-seat of Christ, that everyone may receive the things done in the body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or evil (2 Cor. 5:10).