(BE) - A Brief Exposition of the Teachings for the New Church Meant by the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation

BE 108

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108. The first reason why the Roman Catholics may be brought into the New Jerusalem, or the New Church, more easily than the Reformed, is because the faith of justification by the imputation of the merit of Christ, which is an erroneous faith, and cannot be together with the faith of the New Church (n. 102-104), is with them obliterated, yea, is to be altogether obliterated; but it is as it were engraven upon the Reformed, inasmuch as it is the principal tenet of their church. The second reason is, because the Roman Catholics entertain an idea of Divine majesty in the Human of the Lord, more than there is with the Reformed, as is evident from their most devout veneration of the host. The third reason is, because they hold charity, good works, repentance, and attention to amendment of life, to be essentials of salvation, and these are also the essentials of the New Church; but the case is otherwise with the Reformed, who are confirmed in faith alone; with these the above are neither regarded as essentials nor formalities belonging to faith, and consequently they contribute nothing to salvation. These are three reasons, why the Roman Catholics, if they approach God the Savior Himself, not mediately but immediately, and likewise administer the Holy Eucharist in both kinds, may more easily than the Reformed receive a living faith in the place of a dead faith, and be conducted by angels from the Lord to the gates of the New Jerusalem or the New Church, and be introduced therein with joy and shouting.


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