(BE) - A Brief Exposition of the Teachings for the New Church Meant by the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation

BE 22

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That the four articles above mentioned, as at present taught in the churches of the Reformed were not new, and first broached by those three leaders, but were handed down from the time of the Council of Nice, and taught by the writers after that period, and thus preserved in the Roman Catholic church, is evident from the books of ecclesiastical history. The reason why the Roman Catholics and the Reformed agree in the article of a Trinity of Persons in the Divinity, is, because they both acknowledge the three creeds, the Apostles', the Nicene, and the Athanasian, in which a Trinity is taught That they agree in the article of the imputation of the merit of Christ, is evident from the extracts from the Council of Trent (n. 3-8) compared with those from The Formula Concordiae (n. 10-15). Their agreement in the article of justification shall now be the subject of discussion.


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