(DP) - Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence

DP 205

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205. VI. THOSE WHO HAVE ACKNOWLEDGED NATURE ALONE AND HUMAN PRUDENCE ALONE CONSTITUTE HELL; WHILE THOSE WHO HAVE ACKNOWLEDGED GOD AND HIS DIVINE PROVIDENCE CONSTITUTE HEAVEN. All who lead an evil life interiorly acknowledge nature and human prudence alone; for this acknowledgment lies inwardly hidden in all evil however covered over it may be with good and truth. These are only borrowed garments, or like wreaths of flowerets that perish, thrown around the evil lest it should appear in its nakedness. It is not known that all who lead an evil life interiorly acknowledge nature and human prudence alone, because of this general covering by which it is hidden from view. However, that they do acknowledge them may be clear from the source and cause of their acknowledgment. In order that this may be made evident it shall be stated whence man's own prudence is and what it is; then whence the Divine Providence is and what it is; next who they are and what their nature is who acknowledge the Divine Providence, and who acknowledge man's own prudence; and lastly, that those who acknowledge the Divine Providence are in heaven, and those who acknowledge man's own prudence are in hell.


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