61. That the commandments of this Law were called the "Ten Words," see Exod. 34:28; Deut. 4:13; 10:4. They are so called because "ten" signifies all, and "words" signifies truths, for there were more than ten words. As "ten" signifies all,
The curtains of the tabernacle were ten (Exod. 26:1);
And for the same reason the Lord said
That a certain man who was to receive a kingdom, called ten of his servants, and gave them ten pounds to trade with (Luke 19:13).
And for the same reason also the Lord
Likened the kingdom of the heavens to ten virgins (Matt. 25:1).
For the same reason also,
The dragon is described as having ten horns, and upon his horns ten diadems (Rev. 12:3).
In like manner the beast that came up out of the sea (Rev. 13:1).
And another beast also (Rev. 17:3, 7).
Likewise the beast in Daniel (7:7, 20, 24).
The like is signified by ten in Leviticus 26:26, and in Zechariah 8:23, and in other places.
This is the origin of tithes, for "tithes" (or "tenths") signify something from all.