22. After this, the angel guide went to the six virgins and, telling them also about his companions, asked that they would favor them with their company. The virgins then approached them, but when they came near, they suddenly withdrew and went into the women's apartment where also were their virgin friends. Seeing this, the angel guide followed them and asked why they so suddenly withdrew from them without speaking; and they answered, "we could not go near them." He asked, "why?" and they answered, "we do not know; but we perceived something that repelled us and drove us back. They must excuse us."
The angel then returned to his companions and, after reporting this answer, he added, "I surmise that you do not have a chaste love of the sex. In heaven we love virgins for their beauty and elegance of manners; and we love them exceedingly but chastely." At this his companions laughed; and they said, "You have surmised rightly. Who is able to behold such beauties near at hand and not feel some desire?"