(ML) - Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love

ML 335

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335. II. THUS, THAT EXCEPT WITH ONE WIFE, THERE CAN BE NO CELESTIAL BLESSINGS, SPIRITUAL HAPPINESS, AND NATURAL DELIGHTS SUCH AS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED FROM THE BEGINNING FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN LOVE TRULY CONJUGIAL. They are called celestial blessings, spiritual happiness, and natural delights, because the human mind is distinguished into three regions, the highest of which is called celestial, the second spiritual, and the third natural. With those who are in love truly conjugial, these three regions stand open, and influx follows in order according to the openings. Because the amenities of that love in the highest region are most eminent, they are perceived as blessings; and because in the middle region they are less eminent, they are perceived as happiness, and finally, in the lowest region as delights. That such amenities are perceived and sensated, is manifest from the Memorable Relations in which they are described. [2] That all these felicities were provided from the beginning for those who are in love truly conjugial, is because in the Lord is an infinity of all blessings. He Himself is Divine Love, and the essence of love is to will to communicate all its goods to another whom it loves. Therefore, together with man, He created that love and inscribed upon it the faculty of receiving and perceiving those goods. Who is so dull, and of a genius so devoid of reason, that he cannot see that there is some love into which are brought by the Lord all things blessed, happy and delightful that can possibly be given?


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