(ML) - Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love

ML 470

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470. VII. THAT THE JUST CAUSES OF THIS CONCUBINAGE ARE JUST CAUSES OF SEPARATION FROM THE BED. There are legitimate causes of separation and there are just causes. The legitimate causes are made by the pronouncements of judges, and the just by pronouncements adjudged by the man alone. Both the legitimate and the just causes of separation from the bed and also from the house have been briefly recounted above (nos. 252, 253). Of these, BLEMISHES OF THE BODY are [1] Diseases by which the whole body is infected to a degree which may lead to fatal results by contagion. Such diseases are malignant and pestilential fevers, leprosy, venereal diseases, cancer. [2] Also diseases by which the whole body becomes so weighed down that no consociation is possible, and from which hurtful effluvia and noxious vapors are exhaled, either from the surface of the body or from its inner parts, especially the stomach and lungs. From the surface of the body: malignant pox, warts, pustules, consuming scurvy, virulent itch, especially if by these diseases the face is made loathsome. From the stomach: eructations constantly foul, rank, and fetid. From the lungs: filthy and putrid exhalations exhaling from tumors, ulcers or abscesses, or from vitiated blood or serum. [3] In addition to these, there are also other diseases of various names, such as lipothymy, which is a total languidness of the body and a lack of vital forces; paralysis, Which is a loosening and relaxation of the membranes and ligaments that serve for motion; epilepsy; permanent infirmity from apoplexy; certain chronic diseases; the iliac passion;* hernia; besides other diseases of which pathology teaches. BLEMISHES OF THE MIND are also just causes of separation from bed and house, such as mania, frenzy, insanity, actual foolishness and idiocy, loss of memory, and other like blemishes. That these, being just causes of separation, are just causes of concubinage, is seen by reason without a judge.
* Iliac Passion. A dangerous disease characterized by deep-seated pain in the abdomen, stercoraceous vomiting and obstinate constipation. It is often caused by hernia or obstructing the passage of the faeces (Dunglison, Medical Dict.).


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