219. Of Wine.
"Wine," when mentioned concerning the Lord, signifies the Divine truth proceeding from His Divine good, in the same manner as "blood" (n. 1071, 1798, 6377). "Wine" in general signifies the good of charity (n. 6377). "Must" signifies truth from good in the natural man (n. 3580). Wine is called "the blood of grapes" (n. 6378). "A vineyard" signifies the church as to truth (n. 3220, 9139). The "drink-offering" in the sacrifices, which was wine, signified spiritual good, which is holy truth (n. 1072). The Lord alone is holy, and hence all holiness is from Him (n. 9229, 9680, 10359, 10360). The Divine truth proceeding from the Lord is what is called "holy" in the Word (n. 6788, 8302, 9229, 9820, 10361).