(NJHD) - The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth

NJHD 265

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265. Further particulars concerning the Word.
The term "Word" in the Hebrew tongue signifies various things, as speech, thought of the mind, everything that has a real existence, and also anything (n. 9987). "Word" signifies the Divine truth and the Lord (n. 4692, 5075, 9987). "Words" signify truths (n. 4692, 5075). They signify doctrinals (n. 1288). The "ten words" signify all Divine truths (n. 10688). They signify things which really exist (n. 1785, 5075, 5272).
In the Word, particularly in the propheticals, there are two expressions to signify one thing, and the one has relation to good and the other to truth, which are thus conjoined (n. 683, 707, 2516, 8339). It cannot be known what expression has relation to good, and what to truth, but from the internal sense of the Word; for there are appropriate words by which the things relating to good are expressed, and appropriate words by which the things relating to truth are expressed (n. 793, 801). And this so that it may be known merely from the words predicated, whether the subject treated of is good, or whether it is truth (n. 2722). Frequently one expression implies a general, and the other expression implies a certain specific particular of that general (n. 2212). There is a species of reciprocation in the Word, concerning which see n. 2240. Most things in the Word have also an opposite sense (n. 4816). The internal sense proceeds regularly according to the subject predicated (n. 4502).
They who have been delighted with the Word, in the other life receive the heat of heaven, wherein is celestial love, according to the quality and quantity of their delight from love (n. 1773).


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