(SS) - Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture

SS 28

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28. The learned reader will comprehend that these three may be called end, cause, and effect; also esse, fieri, and existere;* and that the end is the esse, the cause the fieri, and the effect the existere; consequently, that in every complete thing there is a trine, which is called first, middle, and ultimate; also end, cause, and effect; and also esse, fieri, and existere. When these things are comprehended, it is also comprehended that every Divine work is complete and perfect in its ultimate; and likewise that the whole is in the ultimate, which is a trine, because the prior things are together, or simultaneously, in it.**
* That is, "being," "becoming," and "coming forth." The "being" of a thing is what we call its existence; and therefore it was said by the ancients that "in God we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28). Here our being means the inmost of our life (Arcana Coelestia, 5605e). The "becoming" of a thing is its being taking form. And the "coming forth" of a thing is the presentation or manifestation of that thing as an actual reality. Thus the Latin word existere has a very different meaning from the English "exist," and cannot be translated by it without causing a complete misconception in the mind of the English reader. [Translator]
** That is, the two prior degrees are in the ultimate degree in simultaneous order; for a full explanation of which see below at n. 38, and also Angelic Wisdom concerning Divine Love and Wisdom (n. 205-207). [Translator]


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