736. The angel then called to him that company of so-called wise men who had placed heavenly joys and eternal happiness therefrom in the possession of supreme dominion and boundless wealth, and in more than royal magnificence and transcendent splendor, because it is said in the Word that the righteous should be kings and princes, and should reign with Christ forever, and be ministered unto by the angels; and so on. To these the angel said, "Follow me, and I will introduce you into your joys." And he led them into a portico constructed of columns and pyramids. In front of it was a low porch which formed the entrance to the portico; and through this he led them; and behold, twenty persons were seen there, and were waiting. And presently there came one who impersonated an angel, and said to them, "The way to heaven is through this portico; wait here a while and prepare yourselves, for the older among you are to be kings, and the younger princes."
[2] When he had said this a throne was seen near each column, and on it a robe of silk, and on the robe a scepter and crown; and near each pyramid a seat appeared raised three cubits from the ground; on each seat was a chain made of small links of gold, and scarfs of an order of knights fastened together at the ends with diamond rings. It was then proclaimed, "Go now and robe yourselves, take your seats, and wait." And instantly the older men ran to the thrones, and the younger to the seats, and robed themselves and sat down. Then a kind of mist appeared coming up from the lower regions, and as this drew near, the faces of those occupying the thrones and seats began to swell and their hearts to heave, and they were filled with the confidence that they were now kings and princes. That mist was the aura of hallucination by which they were inspired. And presently some youths flew to them as if from heaven, and stood two behind each throne, and one behind each seat, to serve them. Proclamation was then made in turn by a herald, "Ye kings and princes, wait yet a little while, your palaces in heaven are now being made ready; the courtiers will come soon with their lifeguards and lead you to them." They waited and waited until their spirits panted and grew weary with desire.
[3] After three hours the heaven above their heads was opened and angels looked down, and pitying them, said, "Why do you sit there so foolishly, acting like players? They have played tricks upon you and have changed you from men to images, because you have fixed it in your hearts that you were to reign with Christ like kings and princes, and that angels would then minister unto you. Have you forgotten the words of the Lord, that he who would be great in heaven must become a servant? Learn, then, that being kings and princes and reigning with Christ, means being wise and performing uses; for the kingdom of Christ, which is heaven, is a kingdom of uses, because the Lord loves all, and therefore wills good to all, and good is use. And as the Lord does what is good or useful mediately through angels, and in the world through men, so to those who faithfully perform uses, He gives the love of use and its reward, which is internal blessedness, and this is eternal happiness.
[4] In the heavens as on earth there are supreme dominions, and boundless wealth; for there are governments there, and forms of government, and therefore greater and lesser powers and dignities; and those who occupy the highest positions have palaces and courts, which surpass those of emperors and kings on earth in magnificence and splendor; and they are surrounded with honor and glory because of the number of courtiers, ministers, and attendants, and their splendid vestments. But those who are thus exalted are chosen from among those whose hearts are in the public welfare, while their bodily senses only are appealed to by the grandeur of magnificence for the fostering of obedience. And as it is a matter of public welfare that everyone should be of some use in society as in the common body, and as all use is from the Lord, and is effected through angels and men as if it were done by them, it is clear that this is reigning with the Lord."
When this had been heard from heaven, those who had impersonated the kings and princes descended from the thrones and seats and threw away their scepters, crowns, and robes; and the mist in which was the aura of hallucination departed from them, and a bright cloud overshadowed them, in which there was an aura of wisdom, and sanity was thereby restored to their minds.