In the work on Heaven and Hell it is related that the Christians among whom the Word is read among them and there is a knowledge and acknowledgment of the Lord the Redeemer and Savior are in the center of the nations and peoples of the entire spiritual world, because with them there is the greatest spiritual light; and from them as a center light goes forth in all directions to the very boundaries, according to what is shown in the chapter on the Sacred Scripture (n. 267-272). In this Christian center those of the Reformed churches are allotted places according to their reception of spiritual light from the Lord; and because the Dutch have that light more deeply and fully joined in with their natural light than others, and in consequence are more receptive of rational considerations, they are granted dwelling places in that Christian center in the east and south - in the east, because of their capacity to receive spiritual heat, and in the south, because of their capacity to receive spiritual light. In the work on Heaven and Hell (n. 141-153) it is shown that the quarters in the spiritual world are not like those in the natural world; and that the dwelling-places according to the different quarters there are dwelling-places in accord with their reception of faith and love, those who excel in love being in the east and those who excel in intelligence in the south.