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Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell - From Things Heard and Seen 21 21. There are angels that receive more interiorly the Divine that goes forth from the Lord, and others that receive it less interiorly; the former are called celestial angels, and the latter spiritual angels. Because of this difference heaven is divided into two kingdoms, one called the Celestial Kingdom, the other the Spiritual Kingdom.# # Heaven as a whole is divided into two kingdoms, a c...§ion=21 Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell - From Things Heard and Seen 596 596. There are two kingdoms into which the heavens are divided, the celestial kingdom and the spiritual kingdom (of which see above, n. 20-28). In like manner the hells are divided into two kingdoms, one of which is opposite to the celestial kingdom and the other opposite to the spiritual kingdom. That which is opposite to the celestial kingdom is in the western quarter, and those who are in it ar...§ion=596 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 16 16. The state of the church from the Word thus represented in the Prophets, is what is meant by bearing the iniquities and sins of the people. That such is the case is evident from the things said of Isaiah the prophet: That he went naked and barefoot three years, for a sign and a wonder (Isa. 20:3). Of the prophet Ezekiel: That he brought forth vessels of wandering, and covere...§ion=16 Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 77 77. When I spoke with the Africans in the spiritual world, they appeared in striped garments of linen: they said that such garments correspond to them, and that their women have striped garments of silk. Of their little children, they related, that they frequently ask their nurses for food, saying that they are hungry, and when food is set before them, they examine and taste whether it agrees with...§ion=77 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 141 141. Since the subject now under consideration is the turning of angels and spirits to their own loves by reason of these loves, something shall be said also about loves. The whole heaven is divided into societies according to all the differences of loves; in like manner hell, and in like manner the world of spirits. But heaven is divided into societies according to the differences of heavenly lov...§ion=141 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 174 174. As regards the atmospheres, which are called ethers and airs, they are alike in both worlds, the spiritual and the natural, with the difference only that they are spiritual in the spiritual world, and natural in the natural world. The former are spiritual, because they have their form from the sun which is the first proceeding of the Divine Love and Divine Wisdom of the Lord, and from Him rec...§ion=174 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 381 381. The heavens are divided into two kingdoms, one called celestial, the other spiritual; in the celestial kingdom love to the Lord reigns, and in the spiritual kingdom wisdom from that love. The kingdom where love reigns is called heaven's cardiac kingdom, the one where wisdom reigns is called its pulmonic kingdom. Be it known, that the whole angelic heaven in its aggregate represents a single m...§ion=381 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 384 384. Since all things of the mind have relation to the will and understanding, and all things of the body to the heart and lungs, there are in the head two brains, distinct from each other as will and understanding are distinct. The cerebellum is especially the organ of the will, and the cerebrum of the understanding. Likewise the heart and lungs in the body are distinct from the remaining parts t...§ion=384 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 432 432. WHAT MAN'S BEGINNING IS FROM CONCEPTION. What man's beginning or primitive form is in the womb after conception no one can know, because it cannot be seen; moreover, it is made up of spiritual substance, which is not visible by natural light. Now because there are some in the world who are eager to investigate even the primitive form of man, which is seed from the father, from which con...§ion=432 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 65 65. Since the universal heaven is in the sight of the Lord as one man, therefore heaven is divided into as many general societies as there are organs, viscera and members in a man; and each general society is divided into as many less general or particular societies as there are larger divisions in each of the viscera and organs; and from this it is clear what the nature of heaven is. Now, because...§ion=65 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 217 217. These three points shall now be illustrated separately. First: Honours and wealth are blessings and they are curses. Common experience testifies that both the pious and the impious, or both the just and the unjust, that is, both the good and the wicked, possess dignities and wealth; and yet no one can deny that the impious and the unjust, that is, the wicked, go to hell, while the pious and t...§ion=217 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 233 233. In order, therefore, that this interior truth (arcanum) of the Divine Providence may be so revealed that the rational man may see it in his own light, the points that have just been presented shall be explained one by one. First: Evil and good cannot exist together in man's interiors, and consequently neither can the falsity of evil and the truth of good. By man's interiors is meant the inter...§ion=233 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 259 259. 6. The merely natural man confirms himself against the Divine Providence by the fact that there have been and still are so many heresies in the Christian world, such as Quakerism, Moravianism, Anabaptism, and others. For he may think to himself, If the Divine Providence were universal in the most individual things, and had as its end the salvation of all, it would have brought it about that t...§ion=259 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 262 262. IV. CONFIRMATIONS FROM PRESENT-DAY RELIGIOUS CONDITIONS IN FAVOUR OF NATURE AND HUMAN PRUDENCE. (Summarised in n. 239.) 1. A doubt may be raised against the Divine Providence from the fact that the whole Christian world worships one God under three Persons, that is, three Gods, and that hitherto it has not known that God one in Person and in Essence, in whom is a Trinity, and that this...§ion=262 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 97 97. But are the synagogue of Satan, signifies because they are in falsities as to doctrine. It is called "synagogue," because the Jews are mentioned, and as they taught in synagogues, by "synagogue" is signified doctrine; and because by "Satan" is meant the hell of those who are in falsities, therefore it is called "the synagogue of Satan." Hell is called &q...§ion=97 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 166 166. Who have not defiled their garments, signifies, who are in truths, and have not defiled worship by evils of life, and falsities thence derived. By "garments" in the Word are signified truths which clothe good, and in the opposite sense, falsities which clothe evil; for man is either his own good or his own evil, the truths or falsities thence proceeding are his "garments."...§ion=166 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 313 313. And he that sat upon him had a pair of balances in his hand, signifies the estimation of good and truth, of what kind it was with these. By "the pair of balances in his hand," is signified the estimation of truth and good; for all measures and weights, in the Word, signify the estimation of the thing treated of. That measures and weights signify such things is manifest from these wo...§ion=313 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 618 618. And no one was able to learn the song but the hundred forty-four thousand, signifies that no others from Christians could understand, and thus from love and faith acknowledge, that the Lord alone is the God of heaven and earth, but those who were received by the Lord into this New Heaven. By this "song" is signified the acknowledgment and glorification of the Lord, that He is the Go...§ion=618 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 676 676. Revelation 16 1. And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go and pour out the vials of the anger of God into the earth. 2. And the first went forth and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there came an evil and noxious sore on the men that had the mark of the beast, and that adored his image. 3. And the second angel poure...§ion=676 Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 56 56. The Second Memorable Relation: Once, while talking with angels in the world of spirits, I was inspired with a pleasant desire to see the Temple of Wisdom which I had seen once before;* and I asked them the way. They said, "Follow the light and you will find it." I said, "What do you mean by "Follow the light"?" and they said: "Our light shines more...§ion=56
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