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Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 367
367. (4) By means of first principles life is in the whole from every part, and in every part from the whole. This is because the whole, which is the brain and the body together, is originally made up of nothing but fibers proceeding from their first principles in the brains. It has no other origin, as is evident from what has been shown just above (n. 366); consequently, the whole is from every p...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 369
369. It is acknowledged, indeed, that man is such as his reigning love is, but only in respect to his mind and disposition, not in respect to his body, thus not wholly. But it has been made known to me by much experience in the spiritual world, that man from head to foot, that is, from things primary in the head to the outmosts in the body, is such as his love is. For all in the spiritual world ar...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 419
419. (16) Love or the will is purified in the understanding, if they are elevated together. From birth man loves nothing but self and the world, for nothing else appears before his eyes, consequently nothing else occupies his mind. This love is corporeal-natural, and may be called material love. Moreover, this love has become impure by reason of the separation of heavenly love from it in parents....

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 56
56. That the Divine Providence in everything it does regards what is infinite and eternal from itself, may be evident from this, that every created thing proceeds from the First, who is the Infinite and Eternal, to ultimates, and from ultimates to the First Source (a quo), as was shown in the treatise THE Divine LOVE AND WISDOM, where the creation of the universe is treated of. As the First Source...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 128
128. Everyone knows from the Word that the life allotted to each after death is according to his deeds. If you open the Word and read it you will see this clearly; but while doing so take the thoughts away from faith and justification by faith alone. The few passages that follow testify that the Lord teaches this everywhere in His Word: Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is h...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 150
150. VI. THE EXTERNAL MAN MUST BE REFORMED BY MEANS OF THE INTERNAL, AND NOT THE REVERSE. By the internal and the external man is meant the same as by the internal and the external of thought, which have frequently been treated of before. The reason why the external is reformed by means of the internal is that the internal flows into the external, and not the reverse. It is known in the learned wo...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 241
241. 1. CONFIRMATIONS FROM THE WORD IN FAVOUR OF NATURE AGAINST GOD, AND IN FAVOUR OF HUMAN PRUDENCE AGAINST THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE. (Summarised in n. 236.) 1. The wisest of men, Adam, and his wife suffered themselves to be led astray by a serpent, and God did not avert this by His Divine Providence. This is because by Adam and his wife are not meant the first of all mankind that were created...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 257
257. 4. The merely natural man confirms himself against the Divine Providence because in many kingdoms where the Christian religion is received there are some who claim for themselves Divine power, and desire to be worshipped as gods, and because they invoke the dead. They say, indeed, that they have not arrogated to themselves Divine power, and do not wish* to be worshipped as gods. Yet they say...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 4
4. Things which must shortly come to pass signifies that they will certainly be, lest the church perish. By coming to pass shortly, is not meant that the things which are foretold in Revelation, will happen immediately and speedily, but certainly; and that unless they do happen the church must perish. In the Divine idea, and thence in the spiritual sense, there is no time, but instead of time ther...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 70
70. Since the Lord alone is acknowledged as the God of heaven and earth by those who are of His New Church in the heavens, and by those who will be of His New Church upon earth; therefore, in the first chapter of Revelation the Lord alone is treated of; and in the two following chapters, it is He alone who speaks to the churches, and He alone who will give the happy things of eternal life. That it...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 376
376. Verse 13. And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, Who are these that are arrayed in white robes, and whence came they? Verse 14. And I said unto him, Lord, thou knowest, signifies the desire of knowing, and the will of interrogating, and the answer and information. The reason why John was questioned concerning these things, is, because it is common in all Divine worship, that man shou...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 398
398. Verse 7. And the first angel sounded, signifies exploration and manifestation of the quality of the state of the church with those who are interiorly in that faith. By "sounding" is signified to explore and make manifest (n. 397). The reason why by "the sounding of this first angel," is meant the exploration and manifestation of the state of the church with those who are i...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 634
634. If anyone hath adored the beast, and his image, and hath received his mark upon his forehead, or upon his hand, signifies he who acknowledges and receives the doctrine of justification and salvation by faith alone, confirms himself in it, and lives according to it. "To adore the beast" signifies to acknowledge that faith (n. 580). "To adore his image" signifies to acknowle...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 655
655. Here I will add this Relation. I spoke with some of those who are meant by "the dragon" in Revelation; and one of them said to me, "Come with me, and I will show you the delights of our eyes and hearts." And he led me through a gloomy forest to the top of a hill, from which I could have a view of the delights of the dragons. And I saw an amphitheater erected in the form of...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 677
677. Verse 2. And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth, signifies influx into those who are in the interiors of the church of the Reformed and study the doctrine of justification by faith alone, who are called the clergy. By "pouring out his vial" is signified influx, as above (n. 676). By "the earth" is signified the church (n. 285), here those therein who are...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 724
724. Having seven heads and ten horns, signifies intelligence from the Word, at first holy, afterwards none, and at length insanity, and much power continually from the Word. That "the head" signifies intelligence and wisdom when spoken of the Lord and of the Word, and in the opposite sense insanity and folly, may be seen above (n. 538, 568). That "seven" does not signify seven...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 774
774. And all thyine wood, and every vessel of ivory, signifies that they no longer have these, because they have not the natural goods and truths, to which such things correspond. These things are similar to those which were explained above (n. 772, 773); with the difference only that by those named first spiritual goods and truths are meant, which are treated of above (n. 772); and that by those...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 816
816. Verse 9. And He said unto me, Write, Happy are they that are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb, signifies an angel sent from heaven to John, and speaking with him concerning the Lord's New Church, and saying that it was given to know on earth, that those have eternal life who receive the things which are of that church. That it was an angel sent from heaven to John that spoke these th...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 852
852. Verse 6. Happy and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection, signifies that they who come into heaven, have the felicity of life eternal, and enlightenment by conjunction with the Lord. He is called "happy" who has the felicity of life eternal (n. 639); and he is called "holy" who has enlightenment in Divine truths by conjunction with the Lord, for the Lord alon...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 936
936. And the leaves of the tree were for the medicine of the nations, signifies rational truths therefrom, by which they who are in evils and thence in falsities are led to think soundly, and to live becomingly. By "the leaves of the tree" are signified rational truths, of which below. By "the nations" are signified those who are in goods and thence in truths, and in the opposi...

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