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Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 248 248. UNLESS THE HIGHER DEGREE WHICH IS THE SPIRITUAL IS OPENED IN MAN, HE BECOMES NATURAL AND SENSUAL. It was shown above that there are three degrees of the human mind, called natural, spiritual, and celestial, and that these degrees may be opened successively in man; also, that the natural degree is first opened; afterwards, if man flees from evil as sins and looks to the Lord, the spiritu...§ion=248 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 253 253. (3) The character of the natural man in whom the spiritual degree is not opened, and yet not closed. The spiritual degree is not opened, and yet not closed, in the case of those who have led somewhat of a life of charity and yet have known little of genuine truth. The reason is, that this degree is opened by conjunction of love and wisdom, or of heat with light; love alone or spiritual heat a...§ion=253 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 269 269. (4) Such things as have come to be of the love, and consequently of the life, are engendered in offspring. It is known that man is born into evil, and that he derives it by inheritance from parents; though by some it is believed that he inherits it not from his parents, but through parents from Adam; this, however, is an error. He derives it from the father, from whom he has a soul that is cl...§ion=269 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 282 282. PART FOURTH. THE LORD FROM ETERNITY, WHO IS JEHOVAH, CREATED THE UNIVERSE AND ALL THINGS THEREOF FROM HIMSELF, AND NOT FROM NOTHING. It is known throughout the world, and acknowledged by every wise man from interior perception, that God, who is the Creator of the universe, is One; and it is known from the Word that God the Creator of the universe is called "Jehovah," whi...§ion=282 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 321 321. It should be known that the spiritual world is in external appearance, wholly like the natural world. Lands, mountains, hills, valleys, plains, fields, lakes, rivers, springs of water are to be seen there, as in the natural world; thus all things belonging to the mineral kingdom. Paradises, gardens, groves, woods, and in them trees and shrubs of all kinds bearing fruit and seeds; also plants,...§ion=321 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 363 363. (1) Love and wisdom, and will and understanding therefrom, make the very life of man. Scarcely any one knows what life is. When one thinks about life, it seems as if it were a fleeting something, of which no distinct idea is possible. It so seems because it is not known that God alone is life, and that His life is Divine Love and Divine Wisdom. From this it is evident that in man life is noth...§ion=363 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 394 394. FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE OF THE HEART WITH THE WILL AND OF THE LUNGS WITH THE UNDERSTANDING, EVERYTHING MAY BE KNOWN THAT CAN BE KNOWN ABOUT THE WILL AND UNDERSTANDING, OR ABOUT LOVE AND WISDOM, THEREFORE ABOUT THE SOUL OF MAN. Many in the learned world have wearied themselves with inquiries respecting the soul; but as they knew nothing of the spiritual world, or of man's state after dea...§ion=394 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 407 407. That this is so can be proved to the life by the conjunction of the heart with the lungs, because the correspondence between the will and the heart, and between the understanding and the lungs, is such that just as the love acts with the understanding spiritually, so does the heart act with the lungs naturally: from this, what has been said above can be seen as in an image presented to the ey...§ion=407 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 11 11. It is known, indeed, that all things in the universe have relation to good and truth; for by good is understood that which universally comprehends and involves all things of love, and by truth that which universally comprehends and involves all things of wisdom; but it is not yet known that good has no reality unless united to truth, and truth has no reality unless united to good. It appears,...§ion=11 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 24 24. The union of good and truth is provided for by the Lord by means of related sequence; for the quality of a good is known only by its relation to what is less good, and by the opposition it meets from evil. From this relation comes the power to perceive and to feel, since from this comes the quality of these powers; for thus everything that is pleasant is perceived and felt from what is less pl...§ion=24 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 27 27. THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE OF THE LORD HAS FOR ITS END A HEAVEN FROM THE HUMAN RACE By long-continued intercourse with angels and spirits it has been made known to me and proved that heaven is not from any angels created such from the beginning, and that hell is not from any devil created an angel of light and cast down from heaven, but that both heaven and hell are from the human race - heav...§ion=27 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 98 98. It was said above that every man has the faculty of willing called liberty and the faculty of understanding called rationality. It should, however, be well known that these faculties are as it were implanted in man, for his humanity itself (humanum) resides in them; but, as has just been said, it is one thing to act from freedom according to reason, and another thing to act from freedom itself...§ion=98 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 166 166. Man, however, is taught by enlightenment, because being taught and enlightened are predicated of the understanding; for the understanding, which is man's internal sight, is enlightened by spiritual light just as the eye or man's external sight is enlightened by natural light. Moreover, both are similarly taught; but the internal sight, which is that of the understanding, is taught by spiritua...§ion=166 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 178 178. Man is not granted a knowledge of future events, also for the reason that he may be able to act from freedom according to reason; for it is well known that a man desires to have in effect whatever he loves, and he leads himself to this end by his reason. It is also known that everything a man meditates in his reason arises from the love of bringing it into effect by means of his thought. Ther...§ion=178 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 216 216. II. ETERNAL THINGS RELATE TO SPIRITUAL HONOURS AND WEALTH, WHICH PERTAIN TO LOVE AND WISDOM IN HEAVEN. As the delights of self-love, which are also the delights of the lusts of evil, are called goods by the natural man, and as he also confirms himself in the opinion that they are goods, he therefore calls honours and wealth Divine blessings. But when the natural man sees that the wicked as we...§ion=216 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 257 257. 4. The merely natural man confirms himself against the Divine Providence because in many kingdoms where the Christian religion is received there are some who claim for themselves Divine power, and desire to be worshipped as gods, and because they invoke the dead. They say, indeed, that they have not arrogated to themselves Divine power, and do not wish* to be worshipped as gods. Yet they say...§ion=257 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 264 264. 2. A doubt may be raised against the Divine Providence from the fact that hitherto it has not been known that in every particular of the Word there is a spiritual sense from which it derives its holiness. It may be asked, as raising a doubt against the Divine Providence, why this is revealed now for the first time, and why it has been revealed through this or that person and not through some...§ion=264 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 274 274.* 4. A doubt may be raised against the Divine Providence from the fact that hitherto it has not been known that a man lives as a man after death, and that this has not been disclosed before. This has not been known before because in those who do not shun evils as sins there lies interiorly concealed a belief that man does not live after death; and therefore it is a matter of no moment to them...§ion=274 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 291 291. That all good is from heaven and all evil from hell is not unknown in the world: it is known to everyone in the Church. Who in the Church, who has been inaugurated into the priesthood, does not teach that all good originates from God, and that man cannot receive anything from himself which has not been given him from heaven; also that the devil infuses evils into men's thoughts and leads men...§ion=291 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 317 317. III. EVERYTHING OF WHICH MAN HAS PERSUADED HIMSELF AND WHICH HE HAS CONFIRMED IN HIMSELF REMAINS WITH HIM AS HIS OWN. It is believed by many that no truth can be seen by man except from proof; but this is false. In the civil and economic affairs of a kingdom or of a republic what is useful and good cannot be seen unless several statutes and ordinances in force there are known, and in judicial...§ion=317