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Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 6
6. To these passages may be added some which speak of the Lord's advent more openly: The Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive and hear a Son, and shall call His name GOD-WITH-US (Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:22, 23). Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall he upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Go...

Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 12
12. THE LORD CAME INTO THE WORLD TO SUBJUGATE THE HELLS AND TO GLORIFY HIS HUMAN AND THE PASSION OF THE CROSS WAS THE FINAL COMBAT, WHEREBY HE FULLY CONQUERED THE HELLS, AND FULLY GLORIFIED HIS HUMAN. It is known in the church that the Lord conquered death, by which is meant hell, and that He afterwards ascended in glory into heaven; but as yet it has not been known that it was by means of c...

Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 22
22. He who knows what in the Lord is called "the Son of God," and what in Him is called "the Son of man," is able to see many of the secret things of the Word; for at one time the Lord calls Himself "the Son," at another "the Son of God," and at another "the Son of man," everywhere according to the subject that is being treated of. When His Divinit...

Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 42
42. v. The reason why the Lord is called "King" and "the Anointed," is that He was the Messiah, or Christ; and "Messiah" or "Christ" means the king and the anointed. This is why, in the Word, the Lord is meant by "king," and also by "David," who was king over Judah and Israel. That the Lord is called king" and "Jehovah's anointe...

Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 51
51. v. That by "spirit," when said of the Lord, is specifically meant the life of His wisdom, which is Divine Truth: I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you, but if I go away I will send Him unto you (John 16:7). When He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will lead you into all truth. He shall no...

Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 2
2. But he who thinks in this way does not consider that Jehovah Himself, the God of heaven and earth, spoke the Word through Moses and the prophets, and that it must therefore be Divine truth itself, for what Jehovah Himself speaks can be nothing else. Nor does he consider that the Lord, who is the same as Jehovah, spoke the Word that is in the Gospels, much of it with His own mouth, and the rest...

Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 2
2. That religion is of the life and that the life of religion is to do that which is good is seen by everyone who reads the Word, and is acknowledged by him while he is reading it. The Word contains the following declarations: Whosoever shall break the least of these commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called the least in the kingdom of the heavens; but whosoever shall do and teac...

Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 86
86. XIII. THE MORAVIANS IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. I have conversed much with the Moravians, who are also called Herrnhuters. They appeared, at first, in a valley not far from the Jews; but after being examined and detected, were conveyed away into uninhabited places. When they were being examined, they knew how with cunning to captivate minds, saying, that they were the remains of the Apostol...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 134
134. II. NO ONE IS REFORMED BY VISIONS AND BY CONVERSATIONS WITH THE DEAD, BECAUSE THEY COMPEL. Visions are of two kinds, Divine and diabolical. Divine visions are produced by means of representatives in heaven, and diabolical visions by means of magic in hell. There are also fantastic visions, which are the delusions of a distracted mind. Divine visions, which as has been said, are produced by re...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 263
263. In order that those things that have just been stated may appear more clearly, I will add what has been set forth towards the end of THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE LORD (n. 60-61). This is as follows: "That God and Man in the Lord, according to the doctrine of the Creed, are not two but one Person, and altogether one as the soul and body are one, appears clea...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 338
338. III. INSTANTANEOUS SALVATION FROM IMMEDIATE MERCY IS IMPOSSIBLE. In what has gone before it was shown that the operation of the Divine Providence for the salvation of man begins at his birth and continues right on to the end of his life, and afterwards to eternity; also that this operation is continually effected through means out of pure mercy. Hence it follows that neither instantaneous sal...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 6
6. Verse 2. Who testified the Word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ, signifies who, from the heart, and thus in the light, receive the Divine truth from the Word, and acknowledge the Lord's Human to be Divine. It is said of John that "he testified the Word of God," but as by John are meant all who are in the good of life from charity and its faith, as was said above (n. 5), ther...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 15
15. Verse 5. And from Jesus Christ, signifies the Divine Human. That by "Jesus Christ" and by "the Lamb" in the Word, is meant the Lord as to the Divine Human, may be seen above (n. 6). ...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 43
43. And having turned, I saw seven golden lampstands, signifies the New Church, which will be in enlightenment from the Lord out of the Word. That the "seven lampstands" are the seven churches, is said in the last verse of this chapter; and that by the seven churches are meant all who are in the Christian world, and draw near to the church, may be seen above (n. 10); and in particular ac...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 50
50. And His voice as the voice of many waters, signifies the Divine truth natural. That a "voice" when from the Lord signifies the Divine truth, may be seen above (n. 37); that "waters" signify truths, and, specifically, natural truths, which are knowledges from the Word, is evident from many passages in the Word; of which only the following are adduced: The earth is...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 71
71. That the Lord alone will give the happy things of eternal life to those who are and will be of His church is evident from these passages: The Lord said to the church of Ephesus, To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God (Rev. 2:7). Unto the church in Smyrna, I will give thee a crown of life. He that overcomet...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 79
79. And has tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars, signifies that they scrutinize those things which are called goods and truths in the church, which nevertheless are evils and falsities. That this is what is signified, cannot be seen except by the spiritual sense, and unless it is thence known what is meant by "apostles" and by "liars":...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 191
191. Will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, signifies that truths from good from the Lord, with those in whom they abide, sustain the Lord's church in heaven. By "temple" the church is signified, and by "the temple of my God," the Lord's church in heaven; hence it is evident, that by "pillar" is signified that which sustains the church and makes it firm, and th...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 196
196. And My new name, signifies the worship of the Lord alone, with new things which were not in the former church. That by "the name of the Lord" is signified all that by which He is worshiped, may be seen above (n. 81), therefore here the worship of the Lord alone, with new things which were not in the former church. That in the New Church the Lord alone is worshiped, is evident from c...

The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 239
239. And in the midst of the throne and round about the throne, there were four animals, signifies the Word of the Lord from first to ultimates, and its guards. I know they will wonder that it should be said, "the four animals" signify the Word; that this is their signification, will however be seen in what follows. These "animals" are the same as "the cherubim" in Ez...

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