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A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10500 10500. Perchance I shall make expiation for your sin. That this signifies a possibility by virtue of the Divine power of the Lord with those who have so completely turned themselves away, is evident from the signification of "to expiate," as being to cause that it be no longer reflected upon, thus that their worship be nevertheless accepted and heard. (That "to expiate" also de...§ion=10500 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10551 10551. And it was that when Moses entered into the tent, the pillar of cloud descended, and stood at the door of the tent, and spoke with Moses. That this signifies that after the Word had vanished from their apprehension a dense obscurity took possession of them from without, and yet there was a clear perception from within, is evident from the signification of "when Moses entered into the...§ion=10551 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10566 10566. And see that this nation is Thy people. That this signifies that they are the only ones in the world with whom is the Divine which is over all things, is evident from the signification of "the nation of Jehovah," as being where the Divine Itself dwells, and in the spiritual sense where the church of the Lord is, for all those who acknowledge the Lord in faith and love, taken toget...§ion=10566 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10624 10624. Upon the thirds and upon the fourths. That this signifies the condemnation of falsities and of the derivative evils, is evident from the signification of "sons," as being the falsities of evil (of which just above, n. 10623). The reason why it is said "upon the thirds and upon the fourths," is that "three" is predicated of truths or falsities, and "four&qu...§ion=10624 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10736 10736. I afterward discerned that in respect to my spirit I was in the starry heaven far beyond the world of our sun, for this could be discerned from the changes of state and the consequent apparent continuous progression during almost ten hours. At last I heard spirits speaking who were near some earth, which I afterward saw. When I approached them, after some conversation, they said that they a...§ion=10736 Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell - From Things Heard and Seen 277 277. The innocence of childhood or of children is not genuine innocence, for it is innocence not in internal form but only in external form. Nevertheless one may learn from it what innocence is, since it shines forth from the face of children and from some of their movements and from their first speech, and affects those about them. It can be seen that children have no internal thought, for they d...§ion=277 Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell - From Things Heard and Seen 413 413. But that I might learn the nature of heaven and heavenly joy I have frequently and for a long time been permitted by the Lord to perceive the delights of heavenly joys; but while I have been enabled to know by living experience what they are I am not at all able to describe them. Nevertheless, that some idea of them may be formed, something shall be said about them. Heavenly joy is an affecti...§ion=413 Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell - From Things Heard and Seen 577 577. In the same degree in which angels have wisdom and intelligence infernal spirits have malice and cunning; for the case is the same, since the spirit of man when released from the body is in his good or in his evil - if an angelic spirit in his good, and if an infernal spirit in his evil. Every spirit is his own good or his own evil because he is his own love, as has been often said and shown...§ion=577 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 48 48. Of the natural and the spiritual. How perverse it is that the world at this day attributes so much to nature, and so little to the Divine (n. 3483). Why it is so (n. 5116). When nevertheless each and every particular in nature not only exists, but likewise continually subsists from the Divine, and through the spiritual world (n. 775, 8211). Divine, celestial, and spiritual things t...§ion=48 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 51 51. Of sciences and knowledges, by which the internal spiritual man is opened. Those things are called scientifics, which are in the external or natural man, and its memory, but not those which are in the internal or spiritual man (n. 3019, 3020, 3293, 3309, 4967, 9918, 9922). Scientifics, as belonging to the external or natural man, are respectively instruments of service, inasmuch as...§ion=51 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 106 106. FROM THE ARCANA COELESTIA. Heaven is distinguished into two kingdoms, one of which is called the celestial kingdom, and the other the spiritual kingdom; the love in the celestial kingdom is love to the Lord, and is called celestial love; and the love in the spiritual kingdom is love towards the neighbor, or charity, and is called spiritual love (n. 3325, 3653, 7257, 9002, 9835, 9961). H...§ion=106 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 200 200. The Lord combats for man in temptations. The Lord alone combats for man in temptations, and man does not combat at all from himself (n. 1692, 8172, 8175, 8176, 8273). Man cannot by any means combat against evils and falsities from himself, because that would be to fight against all the hells, which the Lord alone can subdue and conquer (n. 1692). The hells fight against man, and t...§ion=200 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 258 258. In the Word there is a spiritual sense, which is called the internal sense. No one can know what the internal sense of the Word is, unless he knows what correspondence is (n. 2895, 4322). The whole and every part, even to the most minute, of the natural world, corresponds to spiritual things, and thence is significative of them (n. 1886-1889, 2987-3003, 3213-3227). The spiritual t...§ion=258 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 259 259. The internal sense of the Word is principally for the use of angels, and it is also for the use of men. In order that it may be known what the internal sense is, of what quality it is, and whence it is, it may here be observed in general, that they speak and think in heaven differently from the way they do in the world; in heaven spiritually, but in the world naturally; therefore...§ion=259 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 261 261. The Word is written by correspondences, and thus by representatives. The Word, as to its literal sense, is written by mere correspondences, thus by such things as represent and signify spiritual things which relate to heaven and the church (n. 1404, 1408, 1409, 1540, 1619, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2179, 2763, 2899). This was done for the sake of the internal sense, which is contained in...§ion=261 The White Horse in Revelation Chapter 19; and the Word and Its Spiritual Sense (from Mysteries of Heaven) 9 9. In the Word there is a spiritual sense, which is called the internal sense. No one can know what the spiritual or internal sense of the Word is, unless he knows what correspondence is (n. 2895, 4322). Each and all things, even the most minute, which are in the natural world, correspond to spiritual things, and thence signify them (n. 2890-2893, 2897-3003, 3213-3227). The spiritual things to whi...§ion=9 The White Horse in Revelation Chapter 19; and the Word and Its Spiritual Sense (from Mysteries of Heaven) 10 10. The internal sense of the Word is especially for the angels, and it is also for men. In order that it may be known what the internal sense is, the quality thereof, and whence it is, it may here be observed in general, that thought and speech in heaven are different from thought and speech in the world; for in heaven they are spiritual, but in the world natural; when, therefore, man reads the W...§ion=10 The White Horse in Revelation Chapter 19; and the Word and Its Spiritual Sense (from Mysteries of Heaven) 12 12. The Word is written by correspondences, and thus by representatives. The Word as to the sense of the letter is written by mere correspondences, that is, by such things as represent and signify the spiritual things of heaven and the church (n. 1404, 1408, 1409, 1540, 1619, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2179, 2763, 2899). This was done for the sake of the internal sense, which is there in every part (n. 289...§ion=12 Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 27 27. iii. If a man knows and is wise about many things, and does not shun evils as sins, he is nevertheless not wise. This is so for the reason already given: that he is wise from himself and not from the Lord. If for example he has an accurate knowledge of the doctrine of his church and of all things that belong to it, if he knows how to confirm them by the Word and by reasonings, if he knows the...§ion=27 Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 111 111. There are various and many causes that make a man moral in the outward form, but unless he is moral in the inward form also, he is nevertheless not moral. For example: if a man abstains from adulteries and whoredom from the fear of the civil law and its penalties; from the fear of losing his good name and esteem; from the fear of the consequent diseases; from the fear of his wife's tongue in...§ion=111
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