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The Book of Ezekiel 6 1 The word of Yahweh came to me, saying, 2 Son of man, set your face toward the mountains of Israel, and prophesy to them, 3 and say, You mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord Yahweh: Thus says the Lord Yahweh to the mountains and to the hills, to the watercourses and to the valleys: Behold, I, e...§ion=6 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 468 468. THE INTERNAL SENSE. From what has been said and shown in the foregoing chapter, it is evident that by names are signified heresies and doctrines. Hence it may be seen that by the names in this chapter are not meant persons, but things, and in the present instance doctrines, or churches, which were preserved, notwithstanding the changes they underwent, from the time of the Most Ancient C...§ion=468 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 1400 1400. A continuation concerning perceptions and the spheres that arise from them, will be found at the end of this chapter. CHAPTER 12 1. And Jehovah said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy land, and from thy birth, and from thy father's house, to the land that I will cause thee to see. 2. And I will make thee into a great nation; and I will bless...§ion=1400 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 1401 1401. THE CONTENTS True historical things begin here, all of which are representative, and each word significative. The things related in this chapter concerning Abram represent the Lord's state from earliest childhood up to youth. As the Lord was born in the same way as other men, He also advanced from an obscure state to one more lucid. "Haran" is the first state, which was obscu...§ion=1401 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 1442 1442. Unto the oak-grove Moreh. That this signifies the first perception, is also evident from the order. As soon as Jehovah appeared to the Lord in His celestial things it is evident that He attained perception; all perception is from celestial things. What perception is, has been declared and shown before (n. 104, 202, 371, 483, 495, 503, 521, 536, 865). Everyone receives perception from the Lor...§ion=1442 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 4197 4197. And Laban said, This heap is a witness between me and thee this day; therefore he called the name of it Galeed. That this signifies that it will be so to eternity, hence its quality again, is evident from the signification of a "heap," as being good (see n. 4192); and from the signification of a "witness," as being the confirmation of good by truth (concerning which below...§ion=4197 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 4563 4563. And Deborah, Rebekah's nurse, died. That this signifies that hereditary evil was expelled, is evident from the signification of "dying," as being the end, or that a thing ceases to be such (see n. 494, 3253, 3259, 3276), here therefore expelled, because the subject treated of is hereditary evil; and from the representation of Deborah, Rebekah's nurse, as being hereditary evil. In n...§ion=4563 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 4843 4843. To Tamar his daughter-in-law. That this signifies a church representative of spiritual and celestial things, which is called "daughter-in-law" from truth, is evident from the representation of Tamar, as being a church representative of spiritual and celestial things, of which above (n. 4831); and from the signification of a "daughter-in-law" as being the spiritual or trut...§ion=4843 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 5144 5144. And behold three baskets. That this signifies the successives of the things of the will, is evident from the signification of "three," as being what is complete and continuous even to the end (see n. 2788, 4495, 5114, 5122), thus what is successive; and from the signification of "baskets," as being things of the will. That "baskets" are things of the will is bec...§ion=5144 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 6426 6426. From thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel. That this signifies that from this is all good and truth in the spiritual kingdom, is evident from the signification of a "shepherd," as being one who leads to the good of charity by means of the truth of faith (see n. 344, 3795, 6044); here in the supreme sense, because the Lord is treated of, it signifies good and truth itself; fr...§ion=6426 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 6435 6435. Even to the desire of the hills of an age. That this signifies to celestial mutual love, is evident from the signification of the "hills of an age," as being the things of mutual love (of which in what follows). That the spiritual church may come to this love, is signified by "even to the desire of the hills of an age." Before it is shown from other passages of the Word t...§ion=6435 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 775 775. And every vessel of precious wood, and of brass and iron and marble, signifies that they no longer have these, because they have not the scientific goods and truths in matters of the church, to which such things correspond. These are similar to the things explained above (n. 772-774); with the difference, that by these the scientifics which are the ultimates of man's natural mind are meant, w...§ion=775 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 936 936. And the leaves of the tree were for the medicine of the nations, signifies rational truths therefrom, by which they who are in evils and thence in falsities are led to think soundly, and to live becomingly. By "the leaves of the tree" are signified rational truths, of which below. By "the nations" are signified those who are in goods and thence in truths, and in the opposi...§ion=936 True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 94 94. In the Christian churches of the present day it is customary to call the Lord our Savior the son of Mary, and rarely the Son of God, except when a Son of God born from eternity is meant. This is because the Roman Catholics have made Mary the mother more holy than all others, and have exalted her as a goddess or queen over all their saints. When, however, the Lord glorified His Human He put off...§ion=94
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