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A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 6065 6065. And their flocks, and their herds. That this signifies the interior and the exterior goods of truth, is evident from the signification of "flocks," as being interior goods, and of "herds," as being exterior goods (see n. 5913, 6048). The reason why the goods of truth are signified, is that spiritual good, which is represented by Israel, is the good of truth (n. 4598). The...§ion=6065 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 3708 3708. All thou shalt break forth to the sea, and to the east. That this signifies the infinite extension of good; and that to the north and to the south, signifies the infinite extension of truth, thus all states of good and truth, is evident from the signification of "breaking forth," as being extension; in the present case infinite extension, because it is predicated of the Lord: from...§ion=3708 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 380 380. The redness, also, of the blood is from the correspondence of the heart and the blood with love and its affection; for in the spiritual world there are all kinds of colors, of which red and white are the fundamental, the rest deriving their varieties from these and from their opposites, which are a dusky fire color and black. Red there corresponds to love, and white to wisdom. Red corresponds...§ion=380 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 294 294. It was stated above (n. 289) that when some were convinced that no one thinks from himself but only from others, and that all those others think not from themselves but from influx through heaven from the Lord, they said in their astonishment that in this case they are not in fault for doing evil; also that it thus seems that evil originates from the Lord; and also that they do not understand...§ion=294 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 433 433. That Cain's being "avenged sevenfold" signifies that it was sacrilege to do violence to that separated faith which is meant by "Cain" has been already shown at verse 15. And that by a "seventy and sevenfold avengement" is signified a far greater sacrilege the consequence of which is damnation, is evident from the signification of "seventy and sevenfold."...§ion=433 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 1069 1069. And he planted a vineyard. That this signifies a church therefrom, and that a "vineyard" is the spiritual church, is evident from the signification of a "vineyard." In the Word churches are frequently described as "gardens" and also as the "trees of a garden" and are even so named. This is from their fruits, which signify the things belonging to love a...§ion=1069 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 1392 1392. The delights and happiness in the other life are wont to be communicated from one to many by a real transmission that is wonderful, by which they too are affected in a similar manner; and these communications are effected without any loss to him who makes the communication. It has been granted me also thus to communicate delights to others by transmissions. From this may be seen what must be...§ion=1392 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 3584 3584. Cursed are they that curse thee. That this signifies that he who disjoins himself shall be disjoined; and that "blessed are they that bless thee" signifies that he who conjoins himself shall be conjoined, is evident from the signification of "being cursed" as being to be disjoined; and of "being blessed," as being to be conjoined (n. 3504, 3514, 3530, 3565). The...§ion=3584 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 4368 4368. If I pray I have found grace in thine eyes, then accept my present from my hand. That this signifies the reciprocal of affection in order that it might be instilled is evident from what precedes and what follows. For the subject treated of is the conjunction of good with truths in the natural, consequently the instilling of affection from good into truth. That the refusal of the present sent...§ion=4368 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 6451 6451. I am being gathered unto my people. That this signifies that he would be in the goods and truths of the natural which are from him, is evident from the representation of the sons of Israel and of the tribes named from them, which are here "his people," as being goods and truths in the natural (see n. 3858, 3926, 3939, 5414, 5879, 5951, 6335, 6337), and that these are from him is ev...§ion=6451 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 6463 6463. And he gathered up his feet unto the bed. That this signifies as to his lower things in which were things interior, unto the good and truth of the lower natural, is evident from the signification of "gathering up the feet," as being to betake themselves to lower things (that "to gather" is to betake themselves, when the "feet" denote lower things, is plain; and...§ion=6463 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 6663 6663. And as they afflicted it, so it was multiplied. That this signifies that truths grew according to the infestations, is evident from the signification of "afflicting," as being infestation; and from the signification of "being multiplied," as being to grow in respect to truths (of which above, n. 6656). How the case herein is shall be told, because without experience of wh...§ion=6663 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 6706 6706. The distinguishing differences of the neighbor, which the man of the church ought to wholly know, in order that he may know the quality of charity, vary in accordance with the good which is with everyone; and as all good proceeds from the Lord, the Lord is the neighbor in the highest sense, and in a surpassing degree; and from Him the neighbor originates. From this it follows that in proport...§ion=6706 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 7026 7026. And Moses took the rod of God in his hand. That this signifies that these things were from Divine power, is evident from the signification of "rod," as being power (n. 4013, 4015, 4876, 4936) thus "the rod of God" denotes Divine power. (That "rod" denotes the power of the natural, and "hand" the power of the spiritual, and that the natural has power fr...§ion=7026 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 9125 9125. If a thief be caught while digging through. That this signifies if it is not apparent that good or truth is being taken away, is evident from the signification of "digging through," as being the perpetration of evil in secret, and when it is said of a thief, as being the taking away of good or truth by falsity from evil so that it is not apparent (of which in what follows); and fro...§ion=9125 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 9212 9212. If taking a pledge thou shalt take in pledge thy companion's garment. That hereby is signified, if memory-truths be separated through fallacies derived from the things of sense, is evident from the signification of "taking a pledge," as being to receive a token for goods that have been communicated; for a pledge is a token for goods that are lent. When spiritual things are understo...§ion=9212 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 9261 9261. Keep thee far from the word of a lie. That this signifies an aversion for the falsity of evil, is evident from the signification of "a lie," as being falsity from evil (see n. 8908, 9248). The reason why there is signified falsity from evil is that this falsity must be kept far away, because it derives its essence from evil; and evil and good are opposites; for evil is from hell, a...§ion=9261 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 9487 9487. Two cubits and a half the length thereof. That this signifies all in respect to good, is evident from the signification of "two and a half," as being much, and what is full; and when spoken of the Divine, as being all. That "two and a half" denotes much, and what is full, is because this number signifies the like as five, ten, a hundred, and a thousand; for the double of...§ion=9487 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 9688 9688. The work of the embroiderer. That this signifies matters of memory-knowledge, is evident from the signification of "the work of the embroiderer," or of "embroidery," as being memory-knowledge. In many passages in the Word mention is made of "what is embroidered," and of "embroidery," and everywhere is thereby signified memory-knowledge. This originates...§ion=9688 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 9717 9717. The altar shall be foursquare. That this signifies thus what is righteous, is evident from the signification of "foursquare," as being what is righteous (of which in what follows); and from the signification of "the altar," as being a representative of the Lord, and of the worship of Him. Consequently by "the altar being foursquare" is signified what is righteou...§ion=9717
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