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The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 8 8. Verse 3. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of the prophecy, and keep the things which are written therein, signifies the communion of those with the angels of heaven, who live according to the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem. By "blessed," is here meant one who, as to his spirit, is in heaven; thus, one who, while he lives in the world, is in communion with the an...§ion=8 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 42 42. Verse 12. And I turned to see the voice that spoke with me, signifies inversion of the state of those who are in the good of life, as to the perception of truth in the Word, when they turn themselves to the Lord. John says that he heard a voice behind him (verse 10), and now, that he turned to see the voice; and again, that being turned, he saw seven lampstands; from which it is evident, that...§ion=42 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 59 59. And was dead, signifies that He was neglected and His Divine Human not acknowledged. By "his becoming dead" is not meant that He was crucified, and so died, but that He was neglected in the church, and His Divine Human not acknowledged, for so He is dead with men. His Divine from eternity is indeed acknowledged, but this is Jehovah Himself; but His human is not acknowledged to be Div...§ion=59 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 67 67. THE FAITH OF THE NEW HEAVEN AND THE NEW CHURCH, IN ONE UNIVERSAL IDEA, is this, that the Lord from eternity, who is Jehovah, came into the world that He might subjugate the hells, and glorify His Human; and that without this no mortal could be saved; and that they are saved who believe in Him. [2] It is said, in a universal idea, because this is the universal of faith, and the univer...§ion=67 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 224 224. To this I will add this Relation. I saw an assembly of spirits, all upon their knees, praying to God to send angels to them, that they might converse with them face to face, and open to them the thoughts of their hearts. And when they arose, there appeared three angels in fine linen, standing before them, and they said, "The Lord Jesus Christ has heard your prayers, and has therefore sen...§ion=224 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 262 262. Neither to look thereon, signifies not in the least. Since by "opening the book," is signified to know the states of life of all, by "looking on it" is signified to see what the state of life of this or that person is, therefore by "no one being able to open the book nor to look thereon," is signified that they were not able in the least. For the Lord alone sees...§ion=262 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 273 273. Verse 7. And He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne, signifies that the Lord as to His Divine Human is the Word, and this is from His Divine in Himself and that therefore He will execute judgment from His Divine Human. Here it manifestly appears, that "He that sat upon the throne" and "the Lamb" are one Person, and that by "Him...§ion=273 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 370 370. And fell before the throne on their faces and adored God, signifies the humiliation of their heart, and, from humiliation, adoration of the Lord. That "to fall upon their faces and adore," is humiliation of heart, and thence adoration, is evident. Humiliation before the Lord and adoration of Him, is signified by "falling before the throne and adoring God," because by "...§ion=370 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 417 417. To the above I will add this Relation. I saw in the spiritual world two flocks, one of goats and the other of sheep; I wondered who they were, for I knew that animals, seen in the spiritual world, are not animals, but correspondences of the affections and thence of the thoughts of those who are there. Wherefore I approached nearer, and as I drew near, the likenesses of animals disappeared, an...§ion=417 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 472 472. And when he cried, seven thunders uttered their voices signifies that the Lord throughout the entire heaven disclosed what was in the little book. This signification is evident, because it presently follows, that he wished "to write what the seven thunders uttered," but was enjoined from heaven "to seal it up and not to write it;" and afterwards "to eat up the little...§ion=472 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 531 531. To the above I will add this Relation. I was once seized suddenly with a disease almost deadly. My whole head was weighed down. A pestilential smoke ascended from that Jerusalem which is called "Sodom and Egypt." I was half dead with the severe pain. I expected the end. Thus I lay in my bed three days and a half. My spirit became such, and from it my body. And then I heard voices ab...§ion=531 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 532 532. Revelation 12 1. And a great sign was seen in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. 2. And being with child, she cried, travailing and pained to bring forth. 3. And another sign was seen in heaven; and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns, and upon his heads se...§ion=532 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 540 540. And upon his heads, seven diadems, signifies all the truths of the Word falsified and profaned. By "diadems" or precious stones, are signified the truths of the Word; specifically, the truths of the sense of the letter of the Word, but here, those truths falsified and profaned, from their being seen "upon the seven heads of the dragon," by which is signified insanity from...§ion=540 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 565 565. Verse 17. And the dragon was angry against the woman, and went away to make war with the rest of her seed, that keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ, signifies the burning hatred with those who believe themselves wise from confirmations in favor of the mystic union of the Divine and the Human in the Lord, and in favor of justification by faith alone, against th...§ion=565 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 571 571. And upon his heads the name of blasphemy, signifies the denial of the Lord's Divine Human and the doctrine of the church derived not from the Word, but from one's own intelligence. By "seven heads" is signified insanity from mere falsities, as above (n. 568); and this insanity speaks blasphemy, when it denies the Lord's Divine in His Human; and also when it does not draw the doctrin...§ion=571 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 613 613. Having His father's name written on their foreheads, signifies their acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine and Divine Human from love and faith with them. By "the name of the Father" is meant the Lord as to the Divine from whom all things are, which is called the Father, and at the same time, as to the Divine Human, which is called the Son, because they are One and one Person, united...§ion=613 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 618 618. And no one was able to learn the song but the hundred forty-four thousand, signifies that no others from Christians could understand, and thus from love and faith acknowledge, that the Lord alone is the God of heaven and earth, but those who were received by the Lord into this New Heaven. By this "song" is signified the acknowledgment and glorification of the Lord, that He is the Go...§ion=618 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 655 655. Here I will add this Relation. I spoke with some of those who are meant by "the dragon" in Revelation; and one of them said to me, "Come with me, and I will show you the delights of our eyes and hearts." And he led me through a gloomy forest to the top of a hill, from which I could have a view of the delights of the dragons. And I saw an amphitheater erected in the form of...§ion=655 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 666 666. For thou alone art holy, signifies that He is the Word, the truth, and enlightenment. That the Lord alone is holy, see above (n. 173); and that it is the Divine truth which is called holy (n. 173, 580); and as the Word is the Divine truth, and the Lord is that, and as the Divine truth spiritually enlightens, for it is light in heaven, but from the Lord, therefore by, "because He alone is...§ion=666 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 692 692. Verse 9. And men were scorched with great heat and they blasphemed the name of God, who hath authority over these plagues, signifies that by reason of the delight of self-love originating in grievous lusts of evils, they did not acknowledge the Divinity of the Lord's Human, from which nevertheless flows all the good of love and the truth of faith. By "heat" the lust of evils are sig...§ion=692
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